Shoppers in Formby Village on Saturday were surprised to see an addition to the usual charity stalls, a ten person tent alongside the Rotary Bric a Brac stall which was raising money for the charity SHELTER BOX. This charity was started by members of the Rotary club of Helston Lizzard in Cornwall nine years ago and while still based there it has grown rapidly with support from Rotary clubs around the world.
SHELTER BOX exists to supply survival equipment rapidly anywhere in the world when disaster strikes. Typical examples are tsunami, floods and earthquakes. Each large plastic box contains a ten person tent, mosquito nets, waterproof ponchos, waterproof ground mats, collapsible water containers and water purifying equipment, thermal fleece blankets, stove and cooking equipment, tools and implements and even a child activity pack. The box itself can also be used as a water carrier and they have also been used as a cot for newborn babies. Single examples of all this equipment were displayed inside the tent erected in the village.
The cost of each box is
back President Des Hill.