Rodney Huggins Environment Award

Does your Club have an environmental project it is particularly proud of? Are your local schools good at being green?

Rodney Huggins Environment Award

The Rodney Huggins Environment Award is an annual competition to celebrate environmental achievements by Rotarians at district or club level and also within schools and youth organisations in the local community. Winners receive a cash bursary to help continue their work.
How good is your club at

  • Composting
  • energy conservation projects
  • Recycling
  • Off setting

Or is your club working with a local school on an exciting Eco / Green Project?

Enter your school for the Rodney Huggins Award

One school in Berkshire is taking the Green Challenge very seriously with projects on

  • community garden
  • solar panels
  • vertical windmills
  • switching to Ecologo or Green Seal cleaning products.

Download the Environment Awards Entry Form here

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Environmental Sustainability

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