Report 13 April 2010
Steven was on holiday and there was no report, but Rae reported that he was progressing with the arrangements for our Charity Golf Event at Torwoodlee on Sunday, 30th May, 2010. He has made up the posters etc. and is presently circulating them. Jim McColm is doing his usual bit in arranging trophies and prizes etc.
Report 9 March 2010
(a) The Club has agreed that the Big Band Concert at the Volunteer Hall, Galashiels on Saturday, 23rd October, 2010 d that it will be in support of the Lavender Trust. Steven has confirmed that they will help with tickets sales, advertising etc.
(b) Steven reported that Drew Tulley and John Gray had met with Gordon Edgar, Chairman of Selkirk Vintage Car Rally looking at a field below Rink Farm as a possibility of alleviating the problems encountered by Club members last September. We are still awaiting their response.
(c) Letters have gone out to all homes etc. with regard to the Senior Citizens Night on Friday, 26th March, 2010, but as usual their has been no response, but this will be followed up.
(d) Bill's Lunch is being held on Sunday, 28th March, 2010 at Gala Rugby Club and he is now distributing tickets and asks that everyone brings along as many friends as possible. Everyone will be welcome.
(e) Rae reminded everyone that our Charity Golf Event will take place at Torwoodlee on Sunday, 30th May, 2010 and he will get posters etc. ready once he returns from holiday.
Report 9 February 2010
(a) Steven confirmed that the Volunteer Hall, Galashiels had been booked for Saturday, 23rd October, 2010.
(b) Steven also reported that a meeting had now taken place with representatives of Selkirk Vintage Car Rally, who have listened to the problems encountered by Club members at the last event last September. They will speak to their committee and will come back with measures to try and alleviate the problems.
(c) Letters have gone out to all homes etc. with regard to the Senior Citizens Night on Friday, 26th March, 2010.
(d) Bill's Lunch is being held on Sunday, 28th March, 2010 at Gala Rugby Club and he has suggested that it be split between Gala Wheels and McMillan Nurses and Council agreed to this proposal.
Report 12 January 2010
a) Steven was an apology and there was no report, although he has called a meeting for next Tuesday night to discuss the Big Band Concert in later this year. John Gray reported that the Volunteer Hall has been booked for Saturday, 23rd October, 2010.
(b) The Xmas Eve Carol Service raised a total of
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