All change at the Top

New officers at the Interact club

All change at Bexhill Interact

Bexhill St Richards Interact club handed over their Presidency at a recent meeting as the older student s prepare to leave the school and go to their various colleges. Retiring president Shannon Whyburn thanked the members of the Interact club for the support she had been given in her year of office which was echoed by many of the leavers who said how much they had enjoyed their time in the school's Interact club, which is a form of junior Rotary.

Each of the leavers was presented with an illuminated certificate, beautifully produced by Rotarian Raouf Oderuth, listing their service and achievements within the club, this included assisting the Bexhill Lions club with registration at the recent very successful triathlon. The certificates were presented by Bexhill Rotary club President Roger Batey who took the opportunity to introduce Rotary incoming president John Griffith who takes office at the beginning of July. Rotarian Ray Dixon who is the Interact contact for the Rotary club congratulated the club on its recent achievements and wished the leavers well for the future.

Shannon handed over her chain of office to new president Evie Clifford who along with other incoming officers Vice President Amelia Harrison, Secretary Rosie Matt, and Treasurer Hermione Porter will take the club forward into the coming year.

The Interactors already have a full programme ahead which includes holding a mufti day within the school in support of Polio Eradication and assisting with Bexhill Rotary club's annual charity walks on Sunday 13th June. They are also planning a "Shelter Day" to purchase a Rotary Shelter Box that has been in the forefront of many of the recent relief efforts. Their plan is to run a competition of the best built shanty shelter and then see how water tight it is. The teacher sitting inside the shelter will be the judge!

RD 27-5-10


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