Reading in Schools

Volunteers are reading in schools with young pupils

Picture taken by the Star newspaper

How we Started

In December 2009 Rotary Club of High Wycombe initiated a project to get together a group of its members to act as volunteer readers with infant pupils at local schools. Discussions took place with Bucks CC to identify a list of schools that would welcome this additional support and provide guidance and training for the volunteers on how to approach the reading as well as how to go about application for the necessary CRB checking. A meeting was held with the readers and prospective school head teachers to establish contacts and agree the most appropriate days/times for the individual sessions.

Progress to Date

There are currently 17 volunteer readers attending 6 schools in the area and giving about hours per week of their time.  The input has been very much appreciated by the schools as, in addition to improving reading skills, it helps promote a development in the social skills and general confidence of pupils. It has also proved to be a much enjoyed experience by the volunteer readers.


The team of readers now includes members of Inner Wheel, volunteers from Club Members' families and friends and a one-time Rotarian.

New Member at the Helm

Nigel King has taken over from Graham Evans, who is now the Club Secretary.

Graham EvansContact Graham Evans about this page:

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Youth Service

back 'Youth Service' embraces a variety of projects concerned with young people, including Rotaract in High Wycombe