Challenge Enterprise 2024

Help develop the next generation of business leaders

Challenge Enterprise

Challenge Enterprise is a weekend programme organised by Rotary District 1320 and is designed for 16 & 17 year olds in S5 and S6 of secondary education who have the ability and desire to become the next generation of business leaders.  Candidates for Challenge Enterprise require the formal backing of their school/college and are subject to a selection interview by their sponsoring Rotary Club.

What is the Objective of our weekend?

To expose, explore, and spur imagination on the whole subject of business and private enterprise.

In providing the young people with a broad view of professional, business and management careers, the program presents business and management as challenging positions offering enormous personal satisfaction while allowing them to exercise maximum creativity and sets challenges which will help develop their confidence and business knowledge. 

When and Where

Challenge Enterprise 2024 will commence at 11:00am on Friday 1st November 2024 and end at 1.30pm following lunch on Sunday 3rd November 2024 and will be held at Carronvale House, Larbert FK5 3LH which is the Boys Brigade Headquarters for Scotland.

The weekend will consist of an exciting mixture of the following:

●    short lectures/talks from leading figures from many areas of the business world

●    group challenges relevant to the business world, most stemming from the lectures/talks

●    business simulation challenges

●    debates

●    preparation and delivery of group presentations by the delegates on a business theme

●    plenty of opportunities to socialise!


Challenge Enterprise 2024 is limited to 35 delegates.  Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis on receipt of the form below requesting one or more places, along with a deposit of £50.00 for each place requested.  

Closing Date for Applications is Monday 14 October 2024

All accommodation, meals and materials are included in the cost of just £220.00 per delegate - all you need to do is select and fund one or more suitable candidates and ensure transport has been arranged to get them to and from the Challenge Enterprise weekend and we will do the rest!  

Forms along with deposit cheques (made payable to Rotary District 1320) should be sent to Paula Edmond, Challenge Enterprise Administrator, 39 Meadowbank, Ormiston EH35 5LD.

We would be delighted if you were able to give the opportunity for appropriate young people in your local community to attend and gain great benefit from this excellent weekend.

If you require any additional information or would like a visit, as one of the Challenge Enterprise team would be delighted to come along and speak to your Club, please contact Ken Robertson on 07857646699 or email


Rotarian Info:-
School Info:-
Candidate Form with Guidelines:-

Ken RobertsonContact Ken Robertson about this page:

(ALL fields required)

(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

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