End Polio Now

In 1985 Rotary launched the PolioPlus program to protect children worldwide from the cruel and fatal consequences of polio

For over 30 years, Rotary and its members have been committed to fighting to eradicate polio across the world.

The amount of polio-endemic countries has dropped from 125 to just three, with over 2.5 billion children receiving vaccinations thanks to the help of Rotary.

With eradication now closer than ever, Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland’s latest campaign, Purple4Polio, is designed to unite communities to engage in activities as part of the final push to eradicate polio for good.

The campaign ties in with the 100 year anniversary of The Rotary Foundation, Rotary’s own charity, which has played a key role in making polio eradication become close to a reality, along with hundreds of other projects both in Great Britain and Ireland and overseas.


Recent Updates

Polio Orientation Oct 2021   


Polio Walk a Mile Bulletin 22Jul23

Polio Update 22Jul23

Join the Polio Plus Society

By showing your commitment to this endeavour, which remains Rotary’s number one humanitarian project, and pledging a personal donation of $100 every year until WHO certifies that the world is free of wild poliovirus, you will help to ensure that the promise of a polio-free world will be achieved, and will qualify as a member of the PolioPlus Society along with Rotarians and friends across the world. Your generous donation, which will be eligible for Paul Harris recognition, will be matched 2 to 1 by the Gates Foundation and will also be credited to your club. See the Leaflet and Document with details how to proceed.

PolioPlusSociety Leaflet

PolioPlusSociety Document

Hire the Iron Lung Trailer 22/23 - contact DG Eric

Link to RotaryGBI Purple4Polio Page


Bill Gates announces continued fundraising partnership with Rotary

Dear Rotarian,

I’m delighted to let you know that Rotary and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation just announced the extension of our fundraising partnership. The Gates Foundation will continue matching donations to Rotary’s PolioPlus program 2-1, up to $50 million every year.

Share your commitment by showing this video from Bill Gates at your next club meeting or event and help Rotary and the Gates Foundation spread the word about our extended fundraising partnership. You can also share this news by forwarding this email to your Rotary network.

Whether you’re a new Rotary member, or you’ve been fighting polio for decades—there’s a role for you to play in ending this disease. Visit endpolio.org to learn more and donate.


John Germ
Chair, End Polio Now Countdown to History Committee
Rotary Foundation Trustee

Keith PaverContact Keith Paver about this page:

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