District 1230 DG Handover 2017

DG Handover 25th June 2017

District 1230 Handover 2017

The District handover took place in the Glynhill Hotel, Renfrew, on Sunday 25th June, were outgoing DG, Bill Campbell, handed over to incoming DG Gary Louttit. Gary in turn presented DGE Jim Ross and DGN Jimmy Johnson and his Assistant Governors present with their regalia

It was a well attended event and all enjoyed an excellent meal and entertaining speeches from all the partisipants.

As his final duty Bill presented several awards celebrating achievements during his year.

Rotary Club of the Year went to  Glasgow North & Bishopbriggs for their ongoing work and in particular the Fondation Centenary dinner in collaboration with the Culinary Awards

Rotary Club project was awarded to the RotaryClub of Alloway for their Nepal schools project which provided science equipment in the first instance to four schools and provided for building toilet blocks in the second part of the project.

Glasgow Rotaract won the Interact/Rotaract Project Award for raising £3650 for Shelterbox and their effort at the freshers' week.

Best Rotakids went to Symington their for "Visionaid Project" which involved the whole school and the local community.

Finally, and with some humour, DG Gary presented PDG Bill with a miniature Harp to commemorate his year as District Governor.

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Gary and Bill

District Governor

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