District Handover Lunch

Sun, Jul 2nd 2023 at 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

The Shrubbery Hotel, Ilminster

Rotary International District 1200
District Handover
DGE Stuart Gilbert of Chippenham Club
cordially invites you to the District handover celebrations on
Sunday 2nd July at 12pm
The Shrubbery Hotel, Ilminster

Tickets are £17.50 per person and includes a full buffet lunch
with tea and coffee on arrival (licensed bar available).
There will be plenty of time to mix and mingle, meet old
friends and have a chat!
Tickets are limited to 100 and to book, please contact
DG Ric Canham at rick.canham@btinternet.com
who will confirm your booking and payment details.
(Please note that payment on the day is not an option)
