Rotary Corporate Membership

Helping organisations to meet their Corporate Social Responsibility

Describing the areas of Corporate Social Responsibility
Describing the areas of Corporate Social Responsibility

Can Rotary Help You or Your Business, Organisation or Voluntary Group ?

Is your business or organisation interested in supporting the local Community and the environment, then there might be an opportunity here for you to be assisted by Rotary. 

Many businesses have a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy, but of course almost all organisations are interested in supporting the community.  Rotary can help here by offering opportunities for staff or members to get involved in project work in their local communities, or indeed overseas. The additional bonus is that they will all be covered under Rotary insurance when they help with community projects. 

As you may know, Rotary International has seven areas of focus that help with supporting the development of project and activities.  

Areas of Focus

Rotary is also heavily involved with helping to eradicate Polio around the World. The ‘Polio Plus’ campaign has the backing of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and for every $ raised by Rotary, the Gates Foundation adds $2.

End Polio Now image

For existing Rotary members there is a bulletin available with further details that be accessed by logging into this website using your My Rotary account.

Alternatively contact Ian S. McTurk using the form below for further information.   

Ian McTurkContact Ian McTurk about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

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Describing the areas of Corporate Social Responsibility

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