Learning & Development

District Assembly May 2025

Rotary in Cumbria & Lancashire Assembly 2025
Rotary in Cumbria & Lancashire Assembly 2025

Learning & Development

Rotary is a learning organisation, there are many opportunities for members to take on new roles and develop their skills and knowledge.

Our Learning & Development team support the district team, club leaders and members, providing a series of support events during the year.  Events can be face to face or on-line.  See below for details of our District Training Assembly in May 2025.

Many of the events are to support incoming district and club leaders, helping them understand the roles they are taking on and identify any further development needs they may have.

Our support complements that provided by Rotary International and Rotary in Great Britain & Ireland.  There is a comprehensive catalogue (log in required using your My Rotary account) of on-line learning available for Rotarians and their Leaders.  Rotary International Learning Centre (external website).

Several of our District Leaders will also offer events during the year, including in relation to Foundation Grants, Membership development ideas etc.

We can provide training opportunities to support our PR activity including the use of our Web Pages, social media and interacting with the press & public.

We are also able to provide facilitators to help leaders who may be considering change within their clubs.

We encourage members to get in touch if they have any specific requests.

District Training Assembly - Saturday, May 10th 2025 at 9:30 am - 1:30 pm, University of Cumbria Campus, Lancaster.  Please register in advance. 

Please put the date in your diary and arrange for the Club leadership team to attend.  There will be workshop sessions for President Elects and other Club Officers / Leaders.

Following the recent decision on restructuring and refocusing the District Team, this event will be part of a 'Re-Boot' of Rotary in Cumbria & Lancashire. 

Kevin WalshContact Kevin Walsh about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)