District Financial Plan - Annual Assessment

Each year, an assessment of the District's Foundation Grants Financial Plan is undertaken by an Audit Committee.

The assessment of the plan for 2013-2014 is shown below.



Annual Assessment 2013-2014

Members of the District Foundation Audit committee have examined the paper trail of each grant application, District Foundation Committee decisions, supporting documentation and where available evidence of either progress or completion. Members of the audit committee also examined the financial trail of each grant approved including cheque counterfoils and bank statements.

 14 grants were approved in the Rotary year 2013 - 14 of which 5 were designated for international projects and 9 for local communities.

 All the documentation for each of these grants was immaculately filed which made the examiners task so much easier. Rtn Peter Kingdon is to be congratulated in his meticulous administration of the grants.

 At the date of the examination of the paperwork (15/09/14) there was both pictorial and written evidence on file of the satisfactory progress or final outcome of 10 of the grants. There was no such supporting evidence for the remaining 4 grants.

 Examination of bank statements and cheque records confirmed the correct disbursement of the District Foundation funds in accordance with the District Foundation Committee

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Grant Application Process, Timetable & Forms


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Rotary Foundation Grants
