Grant Application Process, Timetable & Forms

District Grants

Global Grants

Apr - Jun

Club President and Foundation Chair for the following Rotary year attend a Grants Seminar.

Clubs sign a Memorandum of Understanding.

Apr - Jun

Club President and Foundation Chair for the following Rotary year attend a Grants Seminar.

Clubs sign a Memorandum of Understanding.

By 15 Sep

Clubs submit a brief outline of a planned application for a District Grant.

At any time

Clubs submit a first step application for a Global Grant.

By 30 Sep

District Foundation Grants Sub-Committee assesses all
District Grant outline proposals
and authorises as many applications as funds will allow.  Clubs then prepare and submit a full District Grant application.

Within one month

The District Foundation Grants Sub-Committee notifies the Club of approval, or not.  It then sets aside funds from the
District Designated Fund and authorises the Club to proceed with an on-line application to The Rotary Foundation.


District Foundation Grants Sub-Committee applies to The Rotary Foundation for funds from its District Designated Fund to support Clubs

Related pages...

District Grant Applications 2014/15

more The following applications for District Grants have been received for the year 2014 - 2015

District Financial Plan - Annual Assessment


Qualified Clubs for 2014/15


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Rotary Foundation Grants
