


Aquabox  is a Rotary club initiated charity. Each box contains water purifying facilities which can make the difference between life and death in disaster zones. The boxes are stockpiled throughout the year and sent out swifty when needed.

Barnardo's supports children, stands up for them and bring out the best in each and every child. The charity does this because it believes in children. Click the logo and discover how your time can make a big difference.

Caring for Young Carers provides support, encouragement and recognition of the work of young carers. Young carers enjoy fun experiences, which are also beneficial to their personal development, such as sporting events, outward bound, climbing centres, zoos, safari parks, canoeing or a day at a theme park.

Community First Responders

Dictionary 4 Life brings the joy of reading to youngsters everywhere. The Usborne Illustrated Dictionary is fun to read and encourages young minds all over the world to discover the excitement of literacy. You can help by donating dictionaries to children everywhere.

Disabled Sports

Hearing Dogs for Deaf - Hearing dogs offer people offer the benefits of greater independence, confidence and companionship by alerting their deaf owners to important households sounds and danger signals. Rotary clubs can help by sponsoring a puppy and volunteering as speakers.


Institute of Cancer Research

Jubilee Sailing Trust is a registered charity whose mission is to promote the integration of people of all physical abilities through the challenge of sailing on the open sea. Almost 800 Rotary clubs have helped make lives brighter by supporting and enabling people to sail.

KidsOut takes disadvantaged youngsters on great days out. More than 100 venues and 1700 Rotary volunteers make the Day Out the success that it is. KidsOut is keen to develop the Day Out even further and are seeking Rotary support to do so.

Leonard Cheshire Disability supports thousands of disabled people both in the UK and in more than 50 other countries. We help people with physical impairments, learning difficulties and long-term health conditions, as well as their carers, friends and families. Rotary members can help by supporting the School 4 All project in Africa.

Literacy Literacy in a Box aims to advance education in schools primarily, but not exclusively, in Zambia and in sub-Saharan Africa. The Trust, through Rotary service, seeks to create an awareness of the poor conditions of schooling in Zambia and fund the provision of Literacy Boxes.

Maggie's Cancer Care Centres are a network of cancer caring centres which offers support to anyone affected by any cancer, and their family and friends. We provide a range of professional help under one roof which helps to alleviate the emotional distress and practical difficulties that cancer brings.

Protecting the Environment This is coordinated by The Environment Group which has a remit to raise the profile of environmental issues within Rotary GB&I at district, club and Rotarian level. It is chaired by past Rotary GB&I President Rodney Huggins and works through a network of District Environment Officers (DENs).

REPoD - Rotarians Easing Problems of Dementia has helped transform the lives of many affected by the condition. Memory Cafes bring people back to their families and provide much needed support.

Through RYA Sailability over 20,000 people with a disability have been able to experience sailing and sail regularly.

Rotary Awareness - Prostate Cancer works with Prostate Cancer UK and Prostate Cancer Support Federation to inform people of the illness and also helps local support groups.

The Rotary Shoebox Scheme sends small gifts, in special shoeboxes, to children and families in the poorer Eastern and Central European countries. Rotarians can use their time and skills to interact with their local community, rather than simply fundraising and sending off a cheque.

Stroke & Health Awareness  project works with the Stroke Association for a world where there are fewer strokes and all those touched by stroke get the help they need.

TB Alert is determined to ensure treatment for tuberculosis is available to all. The disease is still in existence in the UK and overseas. The charity works with organisations to educate and eradicate. Rotarians can help by sponsoring volunteers.

Victim support welcomes new volunteers for working with people in the community and witnesses at court. Right now, the organisation is particularly interested in recruiting volunteers to work specifically with those affected by homicide or road death.

Wheelchair Foundation UK seeks to deliver a wheelchair to every child, teen and adult who needs one, but cannot afford one, bringing independence, mobility, freedom and hope.


Young Enterprise

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Projects pages:

Christmas Fayre in aid of Local Projects and Rotary Charities

more The Rotary Club of Exeter Enterprise is proud to support this event at St Margarets Church Topsham. Please call Fiona on 01392 493560 for more details.

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Dementia & REPOD


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