Centenary Spring Ball - Booking now open

Sat, Apr 26th 2025 at 7:00 pm - 11:45 pm

Jockey Club Room at Epsom Racecourse.
A sparkling evening with a welcome drink, great three course meal and music by AVARICE. Our friends from Chantilly Rotary will also attend. Great Raffle prizes and even better auction items!!

Please read carefully

Below are the links,

- firstly to reserve table and menu choices per person and

- secondly to pay for the seats you have reserved

you will be returned to this page after booking for each individual


Book Individuals one at a time with their Dietary Preferences from the link below via JotForm. You must enter each person individually, including their dietary requirements and seating requirements.  If you enter their email address they will receive a confirmatory email.  If you only use your email address the confirmation will come to you.


You might want to share the menu, for instance, to others to allow them to choose. 

Here is a link to the menu Click Here

Here is a link to a paper form which may be helpful for you to fill in and get the information that we need when you book.  You can use this then as your script while you type in the data!! Sorry its a lot, but everything we capture here is really needed to make the issuing of tickets painless with the right menu options and dietary requirement  given to the correct guest!  Click here for paper guide sheet - do not send this to us. Use it to apply on-line.


Then apply on-line

Click here to enter attendees details  or again for a further person. 

Add payment of £90 per person below after you have entered your whole order


Pre-order Wine or drinks on this link

Epsom Downs Racecourse Preorder (preoday.com)


Payment for ball ticket

You may pay either via SumUp or via BACS 


SumUp (credit or debit card) which is more costly for us,

but may be easier for you!!   Pay by SumUp here 


Bank Transfer to our bank account - preferred option

Natwest Epsom

Rotary Club of Epsom

Sort Code 60-08-01

Account number 17256828

quoting BALL2025  followed by your name

Price is £90 per person

Thank You, The Ball Organising Committee


Any enquiries to epsrotaryball@gmail.com

First line telephone support is on 01372 813679