Promoting Peace

Promoting Peace is one of Rotary’s seven areas of focus. We promote goodwill and understanding across the world by training local leaders to support long-term peacebuilding.

Promoting Peace is one of Rotary’s causes.  One of the key elements of the Rotary International Promoting Peace Programme is its Inter Country Committees (ICC) and one of the key elements of ICC is developing Peace.    This District is a leader in Rotary GB&I's Peace and ICC programmes, and we are developing our Peace Programmes alongside.  ICC works closely with Rotary Action Group for Peace, and we share a Memorandum of Understanding.

Rotary's Partners in Peace include:

Institute for Economics and Peace – defined the elements of positive peace and annually produce reports on Positive Peace, Global Terrorism and Ecological Threats.  Produce the Global Peace Index.  In addition they run a Peace training programme for Rotary and the IEP Peace Ambassador Programme.  

Mediators Beyond Borders International – run a Peacebuilder membership programme and are a second Rotary Global Mediation Partner.

UNESCO – including UN Day at UNESCO.  Rotary were part of creating the UN in the 1940s and was involved in creating and developing UNESCO.  We have representatives in all UN Associations.  We have an annual Day at UN.  The last was at UNESCO in Paris.  Early in 2024 we held a Peace Conference at the only UN body in Great Britain and Ireland – International Maritime Organisation in London

Rotary Presidential Peace Conferences – held around the world – in Rome, Cairo, London and Paris over the last 12 months (May 2023 - April 2024).

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Promoting Peace pages:

How Rotarians can get involved (Peace)

(members only log in for more information)

Inter Country Committees (ICCs)

(members only log in for more information) (1 page below this)