Club Admin Accordion

copied from Club Admin

July 21st - Please note there will be minor changes to the menus above, which will be altered to correspond with the options below. Members-only pages are now in the 'pages' area and the homepage & options has been split on this page to provide quick access to each option. The 'PUBLIC' pages menu will be changed to 'Pages'.

July 17th - I hope you like the new admin home page. The members home page will be updated once I have finished updating the styling of the remaining club admin pages.

The Webmasters Group is the FIRST port of call for support and I tend to announce things there, with a duplicate here - but if the site is not available, then you don't know what's happening if you aren't subscribed to the group!. If there is a site-wide problem, please don't email me, as it will be addressed on the Webmaster's Group.
Chris Sweeney

'Meeting details', 'links' and 'club contact form' have been moved here as they are displayed on the home page or have optional settings. You MUST add at least 1 contact form subject/recipient. The 'featured pages' and 'happening soon' links provide a quick route to edit those pages, if set up.

Webmaster's Group

The first - and best - place to get help is from other club and district administrators on the 'RIBI Webmasters Group'. Sign up below; if you register with you can control how often you receive emails from the group.


Please let me know ( if you have any suggestions for improvements to the tutorials, missing items, requests for videos etc. There are lots of tutorials and videos available.

Visit tutorial pages

Online Forum

The forums are divided into different areas across the site. Ask for help, request new features in the 'wishlist'

Additionally, you have your own 'club forum' which only your members can access (accessible from the member's home page)

Visit forum

Image Gallery

Use these images as 'main pics' for your pages, if you don't have your own. The galleries are divided into different focus areas. They have been designed to display well for the carousel on the main page.

Visit gallery

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Accordion 2

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Another experimental page

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