Rotary Doctor Bank

Rotary Doctor Bank is a charity run by Rotarians in South Wales and maintains a register of doctors and nurses who carry out voluntary work abroad.

Kamuli Mission Hospital, Uganda

When Dr Jim McWhirter retired as a family doctor he joined Rotary at Henley Bridge and signed up to Rotary Doctor Bank to volunteer his services. His first visit was to the 160 bed Kamuli Mission Hospital in Uganda, where only two doctors with very limited resources served a population of three quarters of a million people. On this first visit he identified immediate needs that could be met through Rotary and other professional contacts, so on his return to the UK he set about spreading the word. Several clubs in D1090 have supported the Kamuli Hospital through fundraising efforts and a number of D1090 Rotarians and friends have spent time at Kamuli, using their vocational skills to improve conditions at the hospital and support the hard pressed staff. At the Rotary GB&I Conference in April 2010, 'Dr Jim' was awarded the Magic of Rotary Volunteer Award. For more information on the work undertaken at Kamuli see this hospital's page on the Help for Hospitals in Uganda website.

Help for Hospitals in Uganda

Through his involvement at Kamuli, Jim McWhirter met Dr Rogers, a Ugandan surgeon, who has developed a computer system, Medicaudit, which documents patients and the treatments they receiveand helps generate much needed funds for these hospitals which receive no goverment funding. The system has been successfully installed in a number of local hospitals, including Kamuli. In partnership with Medicaudit in Uganda and Rotary Doctor Bank in the UK, Dr Jim has been able to extend his work to cover 10 more under-resourced not for profit hospitals in rural Uganda through Help for Hospitals in Uganda. He will be pleased to come and talk to Rotary Clubs and other organisations about this work.

Read more in the latest report of Dr Jim's visit in July 2018

Find Help for Hospitals in Uganda on Facebook

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