Oversees Charities supported by our club.

Thu, Jun 13th 2024 at 3:04 pm- Sat, Aug 31st 2024 - 5:04 pm

Oversees Charities supported by our club.

We as Cleethorpes Rotary Club supporting 3 Charities oversees

If you can help, please email us on: rcoc@hotmail.co.uk

You can also contact us via our website: www.cleethorpesrotary.org

Or via our Facebook.

TWAM  (Tools with a mission)

Through our 'local to global' model, we prevent nearly 400 tonnes of tools from crowding UK landfills annually and engage local communities, offering volunteering opportunities that nurture skills and foster social connections. The impact of our work resonates globally, as we supply refurbished tools to over 500 organisations in Sub-Saharan Africa. These tools equip individuals with the skills needed to completely transform their lives and communities.




PhysioNet is a UK based charity dedicated to helping some of the most marginalised people in the world by supplying children and adults with disability equipment considered surplus or redundant in the UK.


Freedom Kit Bags

Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world. Its health status is one of the lowest in South Asia and women’s health, like women’s status in Nepal is extremely poor. One of the problems regarding health care is the unequal access to health care provision meaning that ‘ill-health’ conditions become chronic and long-term.
Freedom Kit Bags have the potential to prevent / improve /safeguard women’s health.
