Wensleydale Young Musician of the Year

As part of the Rotary National Young Musician of Year competition, Wensleydale Rotary Club joined with BlueBoxt Creative and Performing Arts in Leyburn to hold the Wensleydale Area heat of the competition held on the 2nd December.

The event was open to young people aged 7 to 18 years who live or attend school in North Yorkshire (or close to the county boundary) there are three classes split into two age groups, under 12 years and 12 to 18 years. The event was organised by BlueBoxt Creative and Performing Arts working with Wensleydale Rotary Club

The first category is for an instrumentalist or vocalist playing acoustically either accompanied by a pianist or unaccompanied.

The second category is for an instrumentalist or vocalist playing with amplification accompanied by a backing track or unacompanied. 

The third category is for an ensemble or group with two or more performers playing acoustically or amplified.

The competition was held at St Mathews Church in Leyburn on Saturday 2nd December and the adjudicator was Mrs Diana Hartley.

The winner of Class one under 12 years - Volodymyr Kryzhanovskyi.  Volodymyr played Spanish Waltz by Paganini on his guitar. 

The winner of Class one 12 and over - Jonty Ledbetter. Jonty played Between a Rock and a Hard Place by Hampton on is saxophone.

The winner of Class two under 12 years - Farah Dinsdale. Farah played Beautiful Mistakes by Laverne, Stallion, Hindlin and Kirkland on drums.

The winner of Class two 12 and over - Lili Bako. Lili sang I Will Always Love You by Parton

The winner of Class three - J-Force (Jonty and Jeremy Ledbetter) with electric guitars singing Medicine for Revenge by Ledbetter and Ledbetter

The overall winner was Jonty Ledbetter who will go onto the Rotary District Final to be held at St Johns Church, Sharrow on Sunday 18th February 2024. The winner from the district final will go onto the Rotary National final which will be held at Chathams School of Music, Manchester.

Wensleydale Young Musician of the Year pages:

Wensleydale Young Musician 24th November 2024

more As part of the Rotary National Young Musician of Year competition, Wensleydale Rotary Club is joining with BlueBoxt Creative and Performing Arts in Leyburn to hold the Wensleydale Area heat of the competition

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