International Projects

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International projects

Details of the various schemes available for Clubs to support are shown on the International pages.  These schemes are in addition to the many overseas projects undertaken by Clubs through their own known channels.

Projects tend to fall into four main categories:- 

  • District Supported Projects
  •           Box Schemes
  •           Collectables
  •           Donations of time and/or money

District Supported Projects

Separate pages showing more details of the Ukraine Convoy, the Mwanza project, Micro Loans and Sand Dams can be accessed from the menu.

Box Schemes

Boxes include Aquabox, Lifebox/Disaster Aid, Shoeboxes, Trade Aid boxes and Shelterbox.  Further information on all these very worthwhile box schemes is available here.


Public support for various projects can be obtained by collecting for Sightsavers, Aquabox filling and Shoebox filling.

Donations of time and/or money

Many Rotary supported charities can be assisted by this method.  The list is considerable but here are just a few Hope & Homes, Jubilee Sailing Trust, Rotary Doctor Bank, Mercy Ships, The Nepal Trust, REMIT, Jaipur Limb Project, Send a Cow and the Wheelchair Foundation.

All the schemes mentioned above would welcome your help however large or small. Please don't forget to ask about the possibility of TRF funding which can make a considerable difference to all your hard work and fund raising.  Remember we are ROTARY INTERNATIONAL.

23/2/19 Latest International Newsletter from District International Chairman Tony Perryman. Earlier newsletters can be found at District International Newsletters

            Aims_2019.pdf - this is a pdf version of a short Powerpoint presentation about Sandams by Tony Perryman.


For more detail on the various International activities, click on the relevant section.

Contact Gordon McGlone about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)