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We have exciting new opportunities for people to take advantage of the wonderful benefits Rotary has to offer.

We are looking for pioneers who are innovative and creative to help us develop new Clubs here in the north east. We are forming innovative and flexible Clubs that not only address the needs of their community but also the needs of the members. These Clubs can be Satellite Clubs or Chartered Clubs. 

Satellite Clubs

Satellite Clubs are part of existing Clubs that sponsor them. Even though satellite Club members are members of their sponsoring Club, they have different meeting arrangements and ways of doing things. The satellite Club members are given the freedom to develop in a way that suits their needs. They develop their own projects and activities and set their own goals.

Satellite Clubs are innovative and flexible. We understand too well the demands of working people today, so we encourage innovative ideas to make Rotary accessible to them.

Chartered Clubs

A chartered Club is one that has reached 20 members and following formal application, has been accepted by Rotary International as a Rotary Club.  Unlike Satellite Clubs, chartered Clubs are Clubs in their own right, but like Satellite Clubs, they too can be innovative and flexible.

Existing Clubs

To explore the existing Clubs near where you live, click here

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