DGE Jo would like to invite you to the District Training Assembly to be held on the 4th May 2019 at the Deans Community High School, Deans, Livingston EH54 8PS, Livingston.
Please note that this event WILL NOT BE at Inveralmond High School as previously intimated.
If anyone would like to highlight a project please contact Jo or PDG Lindsay Craig for space to be allocated within the dining area which will be used as a Showcase.
Please note there will be no Grants Fair
11.30-12.30 Meetings for Secretaries, Treasurers and Presidents Elect catch up (for those who have not attended either PETS1 or PETS2)
12.30-1.30 Lunch (bring your own) coffee/tea/biscuits available
1.30-2.00 Plenary session with DGE Jo Pawley
2.15-3.00 Breakout sessions
3.05-3.50 Breakout sessions (as above, repeated, so that you can go to more than one)
4pm Close
During the afternoon (from 12 noon) various Rotary projects and information will be on display in the dining area as a Showcase