We are pleased to have re-started our Rotary Friendship Exchange programme, where Rotarians in our District visit Rotarians in other Districts around the world, and (or) host visiting Rotarians from those Districts. The travelling groups are for 10 to 14 people (made up of singles and/or couples). Party members can add time on before or after the exchange period to travel in their selected country as they wish.
Being part of an Exchange Team
Those who host will have first call on a place on our return exchange
visits, but there is no requirement to take part in a return visit to
act as a host. See the related article at the side for what's involved. .
D5610, Dakota/Minnesota/Iowa/Nebraska, USA
In June 2019, we will welcome an exchange team from D5610 Dakota/Minnesota/Iowa/Nebraska, USA and a team from D1020 will travel to D5610 in August 2019.
D9800, Melbourne, Australia
We have welcomed a team from D9800 and a team from D1020 will be returning there, probably in 2020-21.
D5520, Texas/New Mexico, USA
We have welcomed a team from D5520 and a team from D1020 will be visiting them, probably in 2020-21.
D3140, Mumbai, India
In 2017 following a visit from a team of Indian Rotarians, our exchange team returned from a magical time in Mumbai, India. They can tell stories that should make every Rotarian want to participate in an RFE programme.
The main aims of a Rotary Friendship Exchange are:
- An international exchange programme for Rotarians, families and friends.
- Opportunity to experience other cultures by staying in the homes of Rotarians, visiting their Clubs and participating in the lifestyle and activities of their communities.
- Hosted by local Rotarians. To see a country from the perspective of those who live there. Seeing tourist attractions and much more that the ordinary tourist will not see.
- An opportunity to advance international understanding, fellowship and peace through visits across borders. The privilege of hosting fellow Rotarians from abroad.
- Open to individual Rotary members, couples, families, young and older, or groups from a single Club or neighbouring Clubs.
- The District communicates in advance regarding format, timing and duration of the formal exchange part of each visit but with flexibility for group members to make personal additional arrangements.
- The host District or host Rotarians plan an interesting schedule (with ample free time too!).
- Funded by the participants: hosts do not have a significant financial burden other than providing accommodation and some meals. Accordingly, a cheaper stay than a normal holiday!
- Visitors are guaranteed warm hospitality and enriching international travel experiences.
- New friendships, a lot of adventures, fun and laughter guaranteed.