I have attached a letter from Jean along with a copy of the conference report. As we are about to head off to the Rotary World Convention to launch the Rotary Peace Advocate Programme we will contact you upon our return if you wish to develop the project with a group of your choice or if you want further information or a speaker. It was a pleasure meeting you all and especially the young people. The attached report is being published to be used to promote follow up activities or future conferences.
View the Peace Conferenace Delgates follow-up etter from Jean here
View the Peace Conference Report here
Invitation to District 1020 Peace Conference
"Take a Chance on Peace".
A conference for our young people, led by our young people.
We would like to invite you to join us on,
Saturday 10th May,
Conference opens at 9:30 until 4:00
Venue, The Scottish Parliament Building, Edinburgh
View the Conference Leaflet here
and the
Conference Programme
Please accept the invitation by registering online at
with no charge.
Do you know a Rotary Club or business that will sponsor a secondary school group of young people to attend, if so contact info@rotarypeaceproject.com or keithgrahambest@gmail.com