Young Photographer 2012

Sun, Feb 5th 2012 at 12:00 am -

Information on this year's competition



Rotary in Scotland 2012 competition looking for

photography stars of the future


Talented young photographers are being urged to dig out their cameras for the chance to take part in a professional photo shoot.


Winners from the 2011 Competition

The shoot with Maverick Photo Agency is the top prize in Rotary International's Young Photographer of the Year Scotland Competition 2012.

This year's theme is 'The Last Days of Winter' and judges will be looking for imagination and style, as well as technical merit, content and composition. The winning pictures will also feature in a charity calendar to raise funds for Calls for Heroes.

The competition offers young people living in Scotland the chance to enter in one of three age group categories - under-12s, 12-15 years and 15-18 years.

Photographs can be snapped with digital or film cameras in colour or monochrome but all entries must be submitted to Local Rotary clubs as prints no larger than A4 by the closing date of April 1st 2012.

Rotary clubs will be responsible for the initial judging and they will select a winner from each age category to go through to the Scottish grand final. 

Guidance for Entrants/Teachers 

The Theme - The Last Days of Winter, allows a broad interpretation, so judges will be looking for imagination and style, as well as technical merit, content and composition. 

Closing Date - Local competitions April 1st 2012. 

Rules/ Technical Stuff -


The competition is free to enter.
Entrants must be aged 18 years or younger on the 1st May 2012 and live within Scotland.
Entries should be sent to your local Rotary Club whose contact details can be found  either on the entry forms available from your school/Rotary Club or contact details can be requested from your local Rotary Club, webpage links are listed below.
Photographs can be taken on digital or film cameras, and should be printed no larger than A4 (including any border)
You can print photographs yourself or use Jessops, our preferred print partner.
Each photograph must be accompanied by a completed copy of the entry form - photographers can enter as many pictures as they wish.
Make sure your name is clearly written on the reverse side of the print.
Entries should be submitted to your local Rotary Club, which will choose a winner for each age category to go forward to the Scottish final in May 2012.
Entry forms require certification from a parent, guardian, or teacher that the entry is exclusively the entrant's own work.
Copyright of submitted photographs remains with the photographer but it is the condition of entry that the sponsoring Rotary International, Calls For Heroes and the sponsors reserve the right to reproduce them without fee for exhibition, web or other publicity purposes.
Written consent is required from the parent, guardian or carer of any recognisable person under the age of 18 or vulnerable adult who is included in the photography.  

Prizes & Awards


Local Competition

Your local Rotary Club will have a full list of all the prizes & awards for local competitions.  

Scottish Final

This Year for the national final we have generous prizes for the winners in each category, including trophies & certificates , gift vouchers from Jessops and the overall winner will be taken on a  professional photoshoot by Maverick Photo Agency.

Download Entry Forms here

Completed entry forms and picture can usually be submitted through your school to the local Rotary Club.

How to find your local Rotary Club.

Rotary Clubs in Scotland are split into three Districts:

District 1010 - stretches from the misty isles of the Hebrides and the Black Cuillins to the fertile lands and rugged coastline of the East of Scotland.

List of clubs can be found here  

District 1020- From North Berwick to Dumfries, from Kilsyth to Jedburgh and Edinburgh, Rotary District 1020 covers a wide and diverse area of Southern and central Scotland. 

List of clubs can be found here

District 1230 - covers much of the West of Scotland, including the City of Glasgow, Argyllshire, Ayrshire, Dunbartonshire, Lanarkshire, Renfrewshire and Wigtownshire.

List of clubs can be found here

Once you have identified your nearest Rotary Club from the list, click on the club name to take you to their website and select contact us from the menu. Send an e-mail to the club using the template, please type into the message box indicating that you wish to enter the Rotary Young Photographer of the Year Scotland Competition 2012 and request details of who to contact and send entries.

If you do not receive a reply or cannot find your local Rotary club, please e-mail Peter CroanNew Generations Young Photographer Organiser