News for Clubs 29 January 2012 (members only)

News for Clubs 29 January 2012 (members only)

Link to News for Clubs 29 January 2012 (members only)

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more The link on this page will take you to News for Clubs

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more This page has a link to the papers for the meeting

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more Thsi week's News icludes an importasnt letter from DG Keith announcing a meeting to discuss RIBI changes

Royal Highland Show Wristband Project

more Royal Highland Show Wristband Project - information from David Hull

Report on RIBI Restructuring

more Report from the D1020 meeting on RIBI Restructuring held on 21 January

News for Clubs 12 February 2012

more News for Clubs 12 February 2012

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Club Mailings
