World Polio Day Resources

Materials available to you.

For over 30 years Rotary has led global efforts to almost eradicate polio - a disease that can kill or severely disable children.

Social Media
Explore a variety of graphics, videos, and animations that can be used on most social media platforms. These assets can be used to commemorate World Polio Day, educate your followers about polio, and show your support for polio eradication.

Browse Social Media Assets

Explore our video collection for a variety of educational videos that you can share on social media, at a club meeting, or during an event to educate your audience on polio and our polio eradication efforts.

Browse Videos 

Event Backdrops
Use one of our End Polio Now backdrops to create a branded background for taking photos, filming, or giving a presentation at your World Polio Day event. White, charcoal, and purple backdrops are available.

Browse Backdrops

Event Promotion
Use one of the customisable templates to create a flyer or social media graphic to help promote your World Polio Day event. These templates can be formatted with your club or district’s text, photos, logo, as well as sponsor or partner logos.

Browse Event Templates

Public Relations
Customise our news release, media advisory, or letter to the editor templates to promote your event in your local community and help raise awareness for World Polio Day.

Browse Public Relations Templates

Other Polio Resources
Explore all of the polio-related resources available on the Rotary Brand Center.  

Browse Polio Resources

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World Polio Day 2024

more 24th October

Presentation to Rotary Clubs

more District EPN Lead Aileen North is available for talks to clubs in District

Certificates of Appreciation

more Recognition for Clubs in District’s support for EPN


more Purple4Polio is RotaryGBI's campaign to publicise polio eradication

Crocus Corms

more This page will explain how to order purple crocuses

End Polio Now Merchandise

more Branded merchandise to help you raise awareness

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End Polio Now
