District Assembly incl District Council

Sun, Mar 30th 2025 at 9:00 am - 3:30 pm

District Assembly including District Council

North East Scotland College, Aberdeen Gallowgate Campus - Applications open

This year we are merging the District Council Spring meeting with District Assembly and the combined event will be held in Aberdeen on 30 March at North East Scotland College (Gallowgate Campus). In addition to the Council business meeting we will be holding a number of sessions during the day which will provide information and allow attendees to ask questions on topics which will help them in their everyday club experience. 

There will be sessions on being the Club Secretary, Rotary Foundation and Grants, Youth Competitions, Public Image and Membership as well as the opportunity to ask questions of the District team and socialise with fellow Rotarians from across the District. 

All members received a personalised invitation with details of the different sessions being offered, don't miss your spot click on this link to get the basics and register https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/district-council-and-district-assembly-registration-registration-1261341830369?aff=oddtdtcreator

Rotary District 1010

District Assembly & District Council

March 2025. Registration

The District Assembly this year has been combined with the Spring District Council and will be held at North east Scotland College (NESCOL) Aberdeen City Campus, Loch Street, Aberdeen AB25 1BN  from 9am on Sunday 30th March.


There is good Public Access to the college by Public Transport or public parking is available in the nearby Gallowgate Car Park, which is Free on Sundays.  Some Blue badge parking spaces are available on the college campus.  Please let us know in the registration if you need one of these.


The Day will be broken into 7 time slots as follows:

District Council

Please ensure that at least one member of every club in the district attends the District Council Session from 11:00 to 12:00. 


In addition to the District Council, there is also the opportunity to attend up to three other sessions to discuss Membership, Club Secretarial duties, Public image and Youth Activities. 


Club Secretaries 2025-2026

Whether you're an old hand in the role or are about to start in the best job in your Club, please come along to both the Club Secretary sessions being run at District Assembly. 

We've two sessions lined up and the first will whet your appetite with a year in the life of the Club Secretary, what you need to do to help your Club run smoothly and Rotary View. 

Then once you've had your lunch the second session will cover all things Compliance - Data, Disputes, Health & Safety, Insurance & PVG. There's nothing graveyard about this slot - so don't miss it....

Both sessions will give you the opportunity to ask questions with a Q&A at the conclusion, so don't be bamboozled or worried, get the info you need for a great year ahead. 


These sessions are also open to any other Rotarians who have an interest in how the club runs.



Public Image: There will be two different sessions – 1 and 2.  Session 2 will be held twice.  Feel free to attend both of them, or only one.

Session 1 – (11:00 to 12:00)  – “Public Image: Good Practices & Bad Habits”. An introduction on how to get the best impact from publicity – choosing images, choosing content, engaging with the reader/viewer, and what on earth is a ‘call to action’.

Session 2 (12:00 to 13:00 and 14:00 to 15:00) – Tips & Tricks: How to make short web links (URLs); How to create QR codes; How to generate AI images and text; How to use the Rotary Brand Center (sic); Any other clever stuff people use.



Membership.  The membership sessions will be run three times, and each will cover the same topics so you can choose whichever one fits into your timetable.  The sessions will cover:

  1. How a personal & Supportive Service can be given and benefit New Members.

  2. How more Club flexibility can not only attract new members but also support and help to retain existing Members.

  3. How benefits to Rotarians & family members can be had by being a Rotary member.


Foundation  The Foundation sessions will be run three times, and each will cover the same topics so you can choose whichever one fits into your timetable.

The sessions will cover general aspects of our Foundation, including Polio + and the Foundation team will be there to answer any questions you have about the foundation and how it works. 

Please note this is not a replacement for the Grant Management Seminars which will still be held by ZOOM in March that someone from your club must still attend if you intend applying for a Foundation grant.



Youth.  The Youth sessions will be run three times, and each will cover the same topics so you can choose whichever one fits into your timetable.


 The sessions will cover all aspects of our Youth work, including the Youth competitions.  It will give an opportunity to discuss the competitions we currently support and suggestions for the future.



As well as the Council and Assembly Sessions, Alison will be in attendance with her table of Rotary Branded goodies for you to buy or order.


We look forward to seeing you at what we hope will be an interesting and enjoyable day.