Global Grant Scholarships

We are delighted to be hosting Kaitlin Johnson from Minnesota, USA, and Wilson Karogo from Nairobi, Kenya under Rotary Foundation’s Global Grant Scholarship scheme.

Global Grant Scholars Kaitlin and Wilson
Global Grant Scholars Kaitlin and Wilson

We are honoured that from all the universities round the world, they have elected to come to the University of Dundee and to be hosted by our club for their for their post graduate year.

Kaitlin is studying public health and Wilson environmental law.

As their hosts, we have brought them into our fold, helped them to settle in a city and in the case of Wilson settle in a climate quite different from that of their homeland – a winter in the east coast of Scotland being much colder and wetter than in east Africa.

We as a club have also been ready to help with any problems they have faced, and to do all we can to make their time with us in Dundee as enjoyable and successful as possible.

 Global Grant scholarships fund graduate-level coursework or research to enable the scholars to pursue careers in areas of focus. For Kaitlin and Wilson, these cover disease prevention and treatment; water, sanitation and hygiene; maternal and child health; economic development, and the environment.

A key feature is the partnership between the district or club in the study location and the district or club in the scholar’s home country.

Andy Argo, Dundee Rotary’s International & Foundation Committee chair for 2023-24, said: “We are delighted to have Kaitlin and Wilson with us and to be supporting this terrific Rotary project for young people to make the world a better place.”

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