Purple4Polio: What to do in

Purple4Polio is RotaryGBI's campaign to publicise polio eradication

With eradication now closer than ever, Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland’s campaign, Purple4Polio, is designed to unite communities to engage in activities as part of the final push to eradicate polio for good.

Rotary GBI has a full set of web pages about the Purple4Polio campaign.

Click here for a link to the public facing information about Purple4Polio.  As much as possible is in the public facing area as many of our activities can involve and can be of interest to the public.

Click here for a Fact Sheet about Purple4Polio and progress towards our goal of eradication.

Here is a link to information about Purple4Polio in the members only area of the Rotary GB&I website.  Internal information relevant to Rotarians only is in this area. You will need to login to get to this page. It has a lot of resources, leaflets, posters etc that you may find useful in publicising your crocus plantings.

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Crocus Corms

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End Polio Now
