Primary Schools Quiz

The Primary Schools Quiz is a competition between primary schools throughout the North and East of Scotland. It is held anually. Normally over 500 schools compete through a series of heats. 16 schools compete in the final.


The Primary Schools Quiz (PSQ) is launched for 2023 - 2024 and we expect the biggest number of entries ever! We’ve refreshed the questions and agreed that clubs can hold virtual competitions if they wish as we make our way to the District Final in Aberdeen on Saturday 22 June 2024. It’s likely that over 500 schools will compete in the early rounds of Club Heats. These must be completed by mid-April, following which we will hold the Area Finals by mid-May. The District Final of the competition will see 16 clubs competing.

Clubs need to register their interest with the PSQ Coordinator by 31 January 2024. The guidelines for clubs along with the quizzes are on the members’ area of the District website here.The Club Quiz is available for Members to download from 1st January 2024. There is a practice quiz which can be given to clubs. Clubs can use their own quiz or the ones provided by District. There is an in-person quiz as well as a virtual one using PowerPoint.

Schools can read more about the quiz here.

It’s going to be another good quiz. If you haven’t competed before now is your chance to do so.

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