
District Governor

Gillian Pearce PHF

District Treasurer

Phil Lenton

District Secretary

Ian Valentine PHF

Assistant Governor

Alan Clare PHF

Assistant Governor

Robin Stevens PHF

Assistant Governor

Geoffrey Scott-Baker PHF

Assistant Governor

Malcolm Granger PHF

Assistant Governor

Brian Jonson PHF

Assistant Governor

Dick Richardson MPHF

Assistant Governor

Tony Eldridge PHF

Public Image Team Leader

Debs Axtell PHF

Rotary Foundation Team Leader

Karen Eveleigh MPHF

Membership Team Leader

Robin Stevens PHF

Youth Service Team Leader

Chas Cairns PHF

Immediate Past District Governor (IPDG)

David Pope PHF

District Governor Elect (DGE)

Frank Quinn PHF

District Governor Nominee (DGN)

Marius Hopley MPHF

Safeguarding Officer

Sian Lindo

District Trainer

Marius Hopley MPHF

Assistant District Secretary

John Smart MPHF


Gillian Pearce PHF

Primary Webmaster

Debs Axtell PHF

Primary Webmaster

Gillian Pearce PHF

Health & Safety

Stephan Stephan PHF

Alumni Officer

Frank Knowles PHF

Youth Exchange Officer

Alistair Knox PHF

End Polio Now

Tim Cowling PHF


Stephan Stephan PHF

'What We Do' Main Pages:

on TVAA & the Centennial dinner


A presentation on Dementia and Reading Abbey’s AMuSED project


Information for Rotary Clubs wishing to participate in this year’s PlasticBlitz


A District Conference event held at Benson Parish Hall on Saturday, 10th February 2024.

Join Rotary!

Wanting to 'do your bit' for the community? This is the opportunity you've been searching for!


Rotary works with young people in a variety of ways to develop their skills and provide opportunities for them to enjoy a greater awareness of the world about them.


stories from our Rotarians and clubs


The Rotary Foundation is a not for profit corporation enabling Rotarians and their partners to achieve sustainable solutions to global problems. Widely recognised as being in the top 5 for Best Value Charity Giving, it celebrated its 1st 100 years in 2017


Rotary in the Thames Valley protecting the Environment

People of action in Uganda

Our partnerships with communities and organisations overseas, providing safe water, promoting maternal and child health, responding to natural disasters and supporting those in conflict zones


Synopsis of the International activities of Clubs with contact details.


The countries in which Clubs have international projects


This presentation by Rtn Catherine Eagleson (Glenferrie, District 9800) describes how a love of puzzles and living with bipolar disorder led her to create the Clue Detective Puzzle Agency and highlights how puzzles can be beneficial for mental health.


Rotary Delivers Two Large Generators to Ukrainian Hospitals. More will follow. Please donate here.


District Specialist Officers


How District 1090 is managed
