Local activities

Usk Rotary Club activities and fundraising events:
Usk Show, Race Night, Quiz nights, Speaker Evenings and much more!
Proudly supporting local and international causes since 1983!


From our member in Portugal


The Rotary Club of Usk is part of Rotary International and has like many groups resorted to meetings on Zoom. This has enabled our international members to attend on a regular basis.

Our member, Richard Etheridge was able to take the opportunity to make a difference to the lives of others, by making contact with a children's home in the Algarve Portugal.

The home provides for children, taken away from their parents as a last resort, for their protection. The home is state funded and struggling to provide for the children.

Very often small practical gifts (like toothbrushes) bring joy to the children.

When asked what the home really needed, the lady in charge said they had worn out three shoe lockers and replacements would be wonderful.


Usk Rotary Club provided the three lockers along with pyjamas and slippers for all the children. They were delighted. 


'What We Do' Main Pages:

The Site Following the Clearance of weeds.

In 2019 the embryo of an idea was put forward by one of our members. It was to make the ground between the Athletics Club sports field and the river into an Arboretum.


Usk Rotary Club activities and fundraising events: Including. Usk Show, Race Night, Quiz nights, Speaker Evenings and much more! Proudly supporting local and international causes since 1983!


Usk Town Council
