Visit to Old Place "˜Castle

Mon, Jul 20th 2015 at 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Mr Anton Jones - Restorer of the Old Place, Llantwit Major

Anton Jones of Swimbridge Farm House and his sister Helen Keddle were guests for dinner of Llantwit Major Rotary Club.  Anton also came to talk about his work in the restoration of the ruined manor house in Castle Street, usually known as The Old Place or even Llantwit Major Castle.  The main building dates from the late sixteenth century but has been a ruin for most of the past two-hundred and fifty years.  Anton told the club that as a boy he would often cross the road from his house to play in the ruins with the added thrill of being told the building was haunted.  By the 1980’s the building was in a sad state: crumbling, ivy covered and overgrown by trees.  At this time the Vale Council acquired the site for one pound but were unable to finance any work of restoration.  In 2011 Anton Jones, a professional stone mason, bought Old Place from the Vale and, with the help of Cadw and Creative Rural Communities began the daunting task of trying to save the building.


Normally when speakers come to the club they bring photographs to illustrate their talks. Anton and Helen did this but went one better.  As soon as dinner was finished the entire group left the West House Hotel and walked the hundred yards or so to the site of Old Place to see for themselves what has been accomplished so far.  The transformation that Anton has achieved in a relatively short period of time is astonishing.  The building has been stabilised, scaffolding erected, some new stone window frames installed and the three storey section re-roofed.  The easterly elevation facing towards Great House has also been lime-washed probably for the first time in over three hundred years.  The building is definitely coming back.  The long-term plan, Anton explained, is to restore the tower section and adjacent wing to a liveable state and, for the time being, develop the other wing and linking hall and gallery as a managed ruin.


After the visit the group returned to West House for coffee where Anton had the opportunity of answering the many questions that followed the visit.  Later, President Dr David Rogers thanked and congratulated Anton Jones for what has been achieved so far in saving this fascinating building that now has the status of a Scheduled Monument.  He presented the visitors with a donation from the club and the earnest wish that they will return from time to time to let the club know how the amazing transformation is progressing.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

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Policies governing Rotary clubs


Interact is Rotary International's service club for young people aged between 12 and 18. The Interact club in Llantwit Major is made up of year 12 and 13 students from Llantwit Major Comprehensive School


The club council is the management committee for the club.


The International Service function deals with charities and events that are international, such as donating Shelter Boxes following catastrophes abroad, and contributing to the Mary's Meals charity.


Community and Vocational Focus


Foundation is the overarching charity of Rotary International
