Lettie Chimbi

Service Above Self

Lettie Chimbi

Lettie joined the Rotary Club of Llanelli so she could spend time with like-minded people who share her values.

Her background is in International Development and she brings her organisation, lobbying and persuasion skills into play within Rotary International. She has set up a group of Rotarians and others in Llanelli that supports period poverty, water and sanitation in Zimbabwe.

Lettie is passionate about the empowerment of women, and how women are inequitably impacted by climate change, food security and education.

In 2023, Lettie was short-listed for an award for her humanitarian work. At the award ceremony, she was surrounded by her Rotarian friends. "It was priceless", she says.

Lettis is also a board member in the African community centre in Swansea and a steering committee member for Age Well Swansea. 

With all these other interests, why is Lettie interested in being a member of Llanelli Rotary Club? In her own words: 

"My motto is the Rotary motto - Service Above Self."

Lettie's project is in line with one of Rotary International's six causes: Providing clean water, sanitation and hygiene. The other five causes are:

  • Promoting peace
  • Fighting disease
  • Saving mothers and children
  • Supporting education
  • Growing local economies and
  • Protecting the environment.

If these resonate with you, please get in touch - perhaps Rotary International is where you belong, too.

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