2023 safety information

safety info from district



Club or district:


Assessment carried out by:


Date of next review:


Date assessment was carried out:



What are the hazards?

Who might be harmed and how?

What are you already doing to control the risks?

What further action do you need to take to control the risks?

 Who needs to carry out the action?

When is the action needed by?













































Add more rows to this assessment when needed.
This risk assessment form is based on the document available from the HSE. More information can be found here:







Rotary club, clubs, district or other organisation:



How to use this template document: Adjust any text in bold and italic as appropriate. It is for guidance and is not exhaustive.


                                                                                         Version 1 (Date)


1.  Aim of the Emergency Plan

·       Person in Control shall assume immediate control.

·       To identify the emergency.

·       To evacuate the area appropriately.

·       To ensure emergency services have access.

·       To ensure the safety of the public.

·       To take the appropriate actions in a calm structured manner.








Name of Rotary club, clubs, district or other organisation:


How to use this template document: Adjust any text in bold and italic as appropriate. It is for guidance and is not exhaustive. You may need to add in elements which are specific to your event e.g. stall holders, lost child points, bouncy castles, transport etc

Version 1 (Date)


1.  Aim of Event Plan

This event management plan aims to provide a coordinated approach to the organisation and implementation of the event and date. It aims to ensure the wellbeing of organisers, officials, event volunteers, contractors, athletes or participants, the public in attendance and all others who might be affected by its acts or omissions, including all other relevant information to ensure that all involved can enjoy the event in safety.

Please ensure that the Rotary GB&I safeguarding policy has been read and provisions made to ensure safety of all.


This event is organised by (club, clubs, district) Rotary. Responsibility for the running event lies with names, the Event Organisers/Directors. The Event manager and Event Administrator are also responsible for liaison with the local Police, local (name them) Council, First Responders or First Aid cover, and any other organisations (name them) regarding the event.

Roles and Responsibilities

Organisers/Directors: Names – overall responsibility of the event.

Event Administrator: Name

Emergency Event Plan: Name

Health, Safety and Covid: Name

Safeguarding officer: Name (useful role to have where children are involved e.g. lost children)

·       Risk Assessment.

·       Marshal management plan.

·       Traffic management at street crossings (Guidance to be given to marshals that road traffic takes precedence).

·       Covid regulations (if any in place or common sense approach)

Course or site set-up:  fill in as necessary

·       Recruitment and deployment of course builders.

·       Setting up.

·       Mitigation hazards on day of event.

·       Erection of gazebos.

·       Safe set up of tables.

·       Safe Signing in process.

·       Lost child collection point.

·       First Aid point.

Check-in of participants and start/finish area manager: Name

·       Ensure particpants are guided easily through check-in

·       Participants are guided after finish of race

·       Facilities at Sailing Club are kept clean and within Covid regulations

Water stations co-ordinator (If required)

·       Water stations staffed and well stocked

·       Waste products are dealt with in an eco friendly way

On or Off-site Parking Co-ordinator: Name

·       Ensure safety at on and/or off-site parking

·       Maintain safe numbers on the mini-bus (if required)

Public Address System Co-ordinator: Name

·       Make saftey announcements and event information


Contact List

The below table lists contact details for the main event organisers on the day:



Mobile Number

Event Day Radio Y/N

Event Organiser/Director




Event Organiser/Director




Health & Safety




Health & Safety




Chief Marshall




Deputy Chief Marshall 1




Deputy Chief Marshall 2




Deputy Chief Marshall 3




Emergency Co-Ordinator




Safeguarding officer

















3.  Event Overview

This event will take place on date. This event consists of brief description.

The Site/Course

Details of the site/Course, any information that, briefly, would help everyone understand the site/course.


The key points for Marshall’s. Location of first aid kit/assistance or teams. 


Full details of the site/course, including a map, can be found in Chapter 5.

Entry Limits

The maximum number for the site, or entries for a physical event.

Event Timings


Give details that will assist all

06.00                   Signage put in place and site build up

09.00                   Marshals on site for briefing

10.00                   Event opens

10.00                   Course bike around and sign-off by Event Director

16.30                   Shuttle bus service ceases

17.00                   All signage removed and site broken down


Key dates

w/c 27 February

Site visit and event plan first draft

w/c 7 March

Event license application

Event notification to Police

Event notification to other parties

w/c 14 March

Consult with Health & Safety Team re any further application requirements

w/c 21 March

Event plan finalised

w/c 3 April

Site Visit

Briefing with Chief Marshals and Officials

Sunday 24 April

Site build

Event takes place

Event clear up

Monday 25 April


****An indication of required inclusion****

This event is covered by insurance provided to Rotary GB&I, brokered by Bartlett & Co and provided by Aviva on Policy UK CAS 021277120 (add current information). A copy is attached. All organisations providing services on the day have displayed their insurance cover to Organising Rotary Club.

Site/Course Map

Site/Course maps are attached to this plan.


Site/Course build

Responsibility, timings and requirements here  


·       A team of set-up volunteers will be responsible for setting up the course pre-race and ensuring that the resulting site/course is safe, or consistent with that described in this plan.

·       For safety purposes the site/course will be divided into three sections each under the control of a Deputy Chief Marshal. Deputy chief marshals will be in phone contact with marshals in their sector and with the Chief Marshal.

·       Site/Course marshals will be a visible presence for participants, runners, pedestrians, and spectators and public. Ensuring the well-being of the participants, spectators and general public throughout the event.

·       Any volunteer who fails to turn up on the day, have a plan in place t cover this.

·       Marshals shall check-in at the Control Point, hi-vis vests should be worn. Agree an appropriate start time for all.by 9am on the day of the event, having been notified previously on their area of responsibility.


The on-the-day briefing of marshals will happen at ???. There, marshals will receive:

·       Marshal instructions

·       Site/Course plan

·       Contact details for event race organisers/directors and lead marshals

·       Locations of key personnel and resources (first aiders, marshals)

·       Vests to identify the marshals


General Instructions for Marshals

·       Keep to the course at a manageable level and report any infringements to the Course Directors.

·       Ensure public are safe.

·       Endeavour to answer questions from participants/spectators from the course map.

·       Call for First-Aid on phone if required.

·       Advise the Chief Marshal

·       Marshals should do a WhatsApp check-in to their deputy chief marshal once in position.









Spectator Plan

·       Car park.

·       Access.

·       Barriers


The event venue will be in use from Time and will be vacated Time on Date. Equipment will arrive at Time and will be taken away by Time.

Route/site map  

A map is attached.



·       When

·       Where



The Administration area will be at Where.



First Aid

Location and team staffing this.

Lost child collection point
Location and team staffing this.


On the day of the event, marshals and officials shall be positioned around the event site as detailed in the marshal plan.

Safety Briefing
When and where

PA Systems



Start and finish times for the event.


Understand the controls in place.


Presentations of Prizes and Gifts

Location and time.

Water and refreshment locations

Drink stations or refreshment positions.

Waste Management


Site Parking and Road Closures

Details and requirements in place.


Police have been informed or are attending. Location.

Volunteer Course Marshals

Marshals will help to steward the event.  See the Marshal Plan in Chapter 5: The Site/Course for a detailed description of duties and locations of marshals. Marshals are aware that they cannot stop traffic and will stop runners at road crossing points if necessary.

First Aid

First aid at the event will be provided by Name.

·       There will be first aid provision at Location.

·       All volunteer officials and marshals will be given a safety briefing on what to do and who to notify.

·       Marshals in key areas around the site/course will be equipped with mobile phones which will be used to contact first aid, and Control Point, if help is required.


Accident/Incident Reporting

Any reportable incidents will be communicated to the Event Organisers/Directors as soon as possible after the incident has occurred, to be recorded in the Accident Book.


Lost or found children/minors or vulnerable people will be escorted to the Control Point. If any found person is not on the event entry list, event staff will endeavor to establish a suitable contact name and telephone number of parents/guardians. In the case of a lost person reported, a description of them and where they were separated will be noted by event staff. The check-in staff and safeguarding officer will be notified, and volunteers deployed to discreetly look for the person.  Marshals will be notified to maintain vigilance at entry and exit points to the park and will assist with the process.

Children or vulnerable adults will not be returned to families/carers until identification has taken place to ensure they are the correct people. If the child or vulnerable adult is reluctant to go, seems very upset and frightened, call the police. Ensure the safeguarding policy has been read and people are suitably trained or DBS checked if required.

Advertising and Enquiries

List the appropriate details for the volunteer’s reference

Pre-Event Organisational Communications

Add communication details, the who, the how, the when and back-up

On the Day Course Communications

Event volunteers will use mobile phones to communicate quickly and efficiently around the course.  All marshals will hold their deputy chief marshal’s phone number in order to report back any issues they may identify. 

Contingency arrangements here.


On the Day Event Cancellation and Unforeseen Circumstances

The Event Organisers/Directors will be responsible for cancelling the event, should they deem it necessary after it has begun. Their decision will be relayed, in most cases, to officials and marshals at designated areas, who will revert to this contingency plan and appropriate control measures outlined in the Risk Assessment.

Forced push-back of the event

The Event Organisers/Directors will decide if the start time of the event is to be delayed. They will take into account the following aspects:

·       Overall reason for delay

·       Likelihood of delay issue being solved

·       Inconvenience to those attending

Extreme weather

Add appropriate actions that will be taken, and by whom.

Unexpected Events

Any unexpected events will be reported to the Event Organisers/Directors, who will take decisions on actions required. One week prior to the event the Event Directors, Emergency Co-Ordinator, Chief Marshal, Deputy Chief Marshals and the Health and Safety Officer will meet to discuss any scenarios of a serious nature and the way in which they will be dealt with.

Equipment Issues

Regular checks will be made.

Public Safety

The public will be advised through Marshall’s and volunteer workforce ant any appropriate point it is required, should there be an incident or requirement to do so.


Cancellation as appropriate or required.

A full risk assessment has been conducted by Name. The Risk Assessment is attached. As this is a Rotary event the Risk Assessment is in the format required by Rotary insurers.

To ensure a responsible person documents these actions and who instructed them, times actions and instructions.



·       Call Emergency Services.

·       All instructions to be issued by the person in Control.

·       Identify those are involved.

·       Be compassionate to the incident.

·       Record in the Accident Book, and RIDDOR if applicable.

·       Evacuate the area safely and in an organised manner – pre plan for this.

·       Include this in the Marshall’s and volunteer’s briefing pack.

·       The Marshall’s shall keep calm and show an organised approach.

·       Never admit liability in any way.

·       Follow the instructions given by the person in Control – until Emergency Services take over.

Roles and Responsibilities

Organisers/Directors: Names – ONE person should be responsible, until the Emergency Services take control, everyone should know who this will be on the day.

Health & Safety Official:

·       Risk Assessment – make sure this is allowed for in the RA.

·       Marshal management plan – ensure, prior to the event all volunteers have a copy.

·       Traffic management at street crossings – allow for evacuation, identify assembly point or points.

·       Ensure the First Aid provider is aware of the plan.

·       Ensure any stalls/activities/sub-contractors are aware of the plan.

·       Safeguarding officer must be aware of the plan.

·       Make sure the ‘Steps to Follow’ are implimented.


·       Evacuate and leave, in a professional manner

·       Marshalls briefed to prevent people reentering until Emergency Services give the all clear, via the designated person

·       Marshalls to ensure that all the public are safe, direct any injured or distressed persons to a suitable point for attention.

·       Ensure there are no additional hazards caused by the nigration.

·       Ensure particpants are guided easily through check in


Contact List

The below table lists contact details for the main contact point in the event of an emergency on the day:



Mobile Number

Event Day Radio Y/N

Event Organiser




Health & Safety




Chief Marshall




Deputy Marshall




Gate – 1




Gate – 2




Gate – 3




Safeguarding officer




Control Point




First Aid Provider On-Site




Key point – 1




Key Point – 2




Key Point – 3





3.  Overview


·       Follow the Responsible Person instructions, or designated Chief Marshall’s, instructions.

·       Keep calm.

·       Act responsibly and with confidence.

·       Do not shout.

·       Record anything relevant for future information.

·       Photographs are important.

·       Site Map – will show Emergency Exits and muster points


·       Follow instructions from the Police.

First Aid

Make sure you are aware of the First Aid location.

Accident/Incident Reporting

·       Record all incidents, report when appropriate to the Control Point.

·       Enter in the Accident Book, RIDDOR as well if appropriate.

·       Take pictures and/or video, ask public to forward any pictures or videos. 


·       Ensure everyone is safe and not in a vulnerable place.

·       Keep the Control informed of the situation, at regular intervals, in a concise manner.

·       Be factual and accurate.

Identify the Hazard

Consider all activities relating to your event and apply the relevant hazards. This list is NOT exclusive and other hazards may be identified.

Fire hazards

Slips, trips, housekeeping

Electrical equipment

Use of portable tools

Manual handling

Layout and traffic routes

Access, entrances, exits

Machinery/lifting equipment

Vehicles, driving


Crowd control

Environmental noise

Lighting, lighting systems

Heating and ventilation

Temporary structures


Seating arrangements

Pressurised equipment




Working with animals

Lone working


Violence to attendees or staff

Chemicals, fumes, dust

Falling objects

Food provisions


Noise and vibration

Confined spaces

Other – please specify

Identify who may be at risk

Consider all individuals that may be at risk from the hazard(s) identified. This list is NOT exclusive.





Children/Vulnerable Adults

General Public


'What We Do' Main Pages:

details of compliance subjects


Reports on speakers at Club meetings and Events


Club News for President Colin Jenkins Year 2018-2019


Rotary Club Weekly Meetings and Club Council


Reports on Speakers at Club Meetings and Events


News for this Year


Rotary Club Weekly Meetings and Club Council


safety info from district


Photographs of various events


Weekly meetings 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month except for August when there will be no meetings. 7.00 for 7.30pm


Gordon Kilby's year


Members of Committee


Details of Club programme


what we do in 21/22


Annual Bowls Night at Pontagothi


Rotary Club Weekly Meetings and Club Council


Dignity Policy rev april 2018


Members of Committee


To view photographs of a particular event, select its sub-page from the menu on the left.


Members of Committee


Members of Committee


Members of Committee


Member of Committee


To view reports of after dinner speakers and events of a particular year, select a sub-page from the menu on the left


The history of Llandeilo Rotary Club


Speakers, Felowship, business and Club Council
