The Haverfordwest Rotary club welcomed Mike Goodfellow-Smith and his wifeto its meeting on the 4th November. He spoke on his role as Assistant District Governor for South West Wales and district lead on environment. He discussed how Rotary Foundation, the world’s biggest private charity, helped in so many ways. He himself had been hosted in another country and experienced a view of it a tourist could not. This was part of the many exchange schemes benefiting graduates, students and others from around the world. He was also looking for schemes promoted by Clubs in our District which could qualify for grants from Rotary foundation as, every year, some of the money we raised came back to be spent here.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
Members use their professional and private expertise to give something back to our community.
moreThe Club supports charities all over the world
moreWe’re for Communities.
moreThe Rotary Foundation is Rotary's own charity.
moreA selection of the Banners received by either visiting Rotarians or obtained by members of Haverfordwest Club visiting other clubs in the world.