Rotary Bridgend kicked off the new calendar year on 4th January with an interesting and detailed talk by our very own "doctor in the house" Dr.Graham Hapgood. About a year ago we had a talk on the politics, statistics and some history of China but in this instance Graham provided us with a first hand account of "China from a tourist and medical perspective". The copy of the plan of the Forbidden City (above) was explained to us with Graham's usual detail and humorous style. We were provided with information on visits to burial buildings of the country's leaders and close-up photograph of the then recently excavated terracotta warriors.
Visits to two
hospitals were described and the interest was so much so that Graham had to
provide a presentation to the locals on our NHS. The "Ying and
Yang" methods were also described to us.
This presentation was provided by the wonders of hybrid technology, whereby the
original material which was on 35mm slides projected on to a screen were viewed
by an i-pad and zoomed into our homes. Graham thanked Rev. Mike for
his help in making this happen.
Rtn Edwin thanked Graham for his very interesting talk and commented on the
number of bicycles seen at the locations shown.
The meeting ended with a Rotary toast and a wish for a safe, healthy and good
New Year.