Kevin Carty(KC)
Alex Lamb(AL)
Neil MacDonald(NM)---(Convenor)
Scott Main(SM)
Jim Turner(JT)
Martin Yuill(MY)
Ex officio:
Bill Hazel(BH)-----------(Club President)
John Scott(JS)------------(Club Secretary)
1. Neil Macdonald welcomed the attendees noting that there was full attendance.
2. A briefing note on the role of the Club Service Committee was circulated.
3. An outline agenda was circulated.
4. An event carried forward from last year was the Car Treasure Hunt. Bill Hazel confirmed that he was in discussion with Stewart Toy, the organiser of the event, and that he would follow up and confirm a date for the event.
5. N.M. reported that arrangements were in place for the district conference in Carlisle on 26th, 27th and 28th October. A total of 21 places were booked, but David and Rita Fanshawe have had to cancel. Scott Main agreed to take up one of the places.
It was noted that 2008 conference would be held in Inverness, and any correspondence regarding that event would be passed to Bob Russell.
6.It was agreed to proceed with the Christmas Dinner at New Lanark Mill Hotel on 12th December. After discussion it was agreed that there should be a keynote speaker to give the Christmas Address, and that other entertainment should include the now traditional Quiz, and Carol Singing. NM to proceed with costing and final arrangements.
7.It was agreed that a theatre trip be arranged. NM to determine level of interest, and if adequate, proceed with booking the event to suit club calendar.
8. It was agreed that the customary Lanimer Lunch should be held on the Friday following Lanimer day in 2008. BH to liaise with Millar Stoddart regarding speaker etc.
9. The annual Fund Raiser was discussed, and it was agreed that the event should be left to the standing organisers to take forward.
10. It was agreed that NM should arrange two visits to other clubs. One in West Zone, and one in South West Zone. It was also agreed that if this was found to be successful that a Scatter night should be considered.
11.After discussion it was agreed that NM should approach the Proprietor at The Crown Tavern to ensure that standards are maintained, and that price increases if any are managed in a mutually satisfactory way.
12.NM agreed to try to re establish the Safari Supper event, and volunteered that he and Marion would host one of the