Mine Detection and Clearance

We have been very active in providing mine detection devices and are also working to warn of the dangers posed to the population by mines

Mine Clearance

Back at the end of October 2022, Rotary South responded to a call from the Rotary Club of Cherkasy in central Ukraine, an area famous for its maize, sunflower and wheat production. They were asking for two drone-mounted magnetometer mine detection devices to donate to the Ukrainian Fire, Emergency and Rescue Services to aid in clearing the mines and UXBs strewn across the fields. Rotary South had some funds left over from the street collections and donations we had carried out in the spring, and were able to buy the machines for around £35k. The drones themselves came from Germany and the magnetometer fittings and software from Latvia. The Rotary Club of Cherkasy liaised with the manufacturers and collected the drones in November. 

March 2023 - we have just received this video that shows the drone-mounted magnetometer mine detetion devices purchased by us.

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Rotary Supporting Ukraine

back Peace is a cornerstone of our global mission. We stand with the people of Ukraine. Find out how Rotarians in this area are trying to help.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Our annual routes and static collection points


Each year Morden Rotary Club hosts the local heats followed by district heats of the Young Chef Competition.

Opening the club presence at Miorden Fun Day

Now the biggest annual family event in Morden, hosted by Merton Charity Events

At our Morden Family Fun Day stand

The Rotary Club of Morden's 90th Birthday

The first stage of the project, completed in 2018 - a student handwash stand

As a member of Rotary International we contribute to causes outside the UK


We hand out over 100 dictionaries every year to year 6 pupils in the Morden, Lower Morden. Mitcham, West Wimbledon area who we feel are deserving and will benefit from their illustrations and explanations. We have extended this a few in Tanzania
