International Connections

As a member of Rotary International we contribute to causes outside the UK

The first stage of the project, completed in 2018 - a student handwash stand

Through the offices of ABCDreams (UK), a charity supporting school children in a village in Northern Tanzania, Morden Rotary funding helped in the building of a purpose-built hand-wash facility at the local secondary school. With the added help of a district 1145 grant, the club raised sufficient funds to bring the project nearly to completion in 2023. As operations manager at ABCDreams UK and a colleague of Morden Rotary, it is my firm hope that we will now be able to complete by the end of 2024.

Why isn't the Tanzanian government doing this? The major problem in Tanzania is a demographic one. In 2020 44% of the population was under 14, putting a heavy burden on the government to maintain school infrastructures. That's where we can help! Many clubs from around the world work through Global grants to help build toilets just like ours! Long may it last.




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International Connections sub-pages:

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

Major New Project

more Serving Communities in Tanzania