Businesses - Corporate Membership

You can join Rotary as a business and get help and support from an international organisation, as well as support from other local businesses and local Rotary members who are small business owners.....

We are happy to come and talk to your business or have you attend one of our planned open meetings.  Please watch this space for the timetable of events and the agenda and focus for the meetings!

Contact us to find out more 

Telephone 01372 813679 


Epsom Rotary and Rotary Club of Ewell are working together on this exciting new adventure for Epsom and Ewell.


'What We Do' Main Pages:

Here are the list of local businesses and individuals who have sponsored our Centenary Ball. Many thanks to them.


Use these links to notify us of your attendance at meetings


This Year Carol Caiger and Jim Munns are co-presidents


You can join Rotary as a business and get help and support from an international organisation, as well as support from other local businesses and local Rotary members who are small business owners.....


Here is a pdf version of a booklet written by Richard Harris about our club and also a link to a video which goes alongside the booklet.


Some old pages kept for nostalgic reasons!!


Please join our volunteer supporters working on a variety of useful local projects


These are the businesses who have contributed either by money or by services to Epsom Rotary's charity work. Many thanks to them!!


Here is a list of current projects which Rotarian's may like to get involved in throughout Area 8


This page contains our memories and thoughts of club members and friends who are no longer with us


We have evening meetings at a variety of venues in Epsom and lunchtime meetings at Cuddington Golf Club to cater for all our members differing requirements.


Some of the Projects and Events


A compendium of the "Thank You" letters we have received following our support.
