Big Band Night

Fri, Jun 27th 2025 at 7:45 pm - 10:30 pm

27th June 2025. Big Band Night. 7th Stunning Year. Come and enjoy the Nigel Garrard Big Band, and music of Count Basie, Glenn Miller, Ted Heath & Ella Fitzgerald. Tickets £20 :Contact David Cronk:- : 07889 315854.

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

Our club, amongst others, has provided drivers and passenger assistants for MS Croydon meetings and outings. We support organisations like Nightwatch financially.

Legacy Youth Zone

Our club joins with others on providing opportunities for young people through Kids Out, the Rotary Youth Leadership Programme, and encouraging public speaking and debating skills through the Youth Speaks programme between schools.

Amazing progress with supporting a school in Zambia bringing long term benefits to the community

Working with other clubs in The Netherlands and Zambia to build and support school classrooms
