For his presidential year, Christopher Dighton chose to support the Crisis Skylight Centre in Croydon, raising funds for essential laundry and cleaning products.
In addition to our usual fundraising events, Christopher organised the design and printing of 'Crisis' tea towels, which were successfully sold in the run up to Christmas.
Disappointingly, our fundraising plans came to a halt in March 2020 but, despite that, the Club was able to donate £7,500 to the Crisis Skylight Centre.
Fundraising for this charity has continued through the current club year 2020-2021, although on a much smaller scale. However, through the generosity of our members donating their lunch monies and support from the Croydon Night of Dance team, we were able to send £2000 at the end of December with a further £1000 in March 2021.
"Thank you so so much for ANOTHER fantastic donation of £1000 to the Croydon Skylight! We are so grateful for your ongoing support, you have done such a lot for us this last year (and for a long time before) which seems extra special in this awful year. Hopefully there is light at the end of the tunnel now though. It was wonderful to hear about all the different ways you have been fundraising after your last donation. I know our director Chris is looking forward to seeing you in April to share news of what we have been up to and what things we have in the pipeline. Please pass on our thanks to everyone at the Rotary Club!"
In the words of Crisis, homeless means sleeping on the streets or living in a hostel, shelter or refuge. It also means living in supported housing because you have been homeless, sofa surfing, or living with friends/family as you have nowhere else to go. And it can mean living in a B&B, a squat or other temporary accommodation.
The Croydon Skylight Centre offers free practical and creative classes and workshops as well as individually tailored advice, guidance and coaching sessions. Many of their classes can lead to qualifications and all activities are run by qualified tutors.
To learn more go to CRISIS SKYLIGHT
Updated April 2021
more Fundraiser for the Croydon Health Charity
more the Croydon Health Charity
more 13 December 2022
more Guest Speaker, Fundraiser Laura Kennedy
more Guest speaker is CHC Fundraiser Laura Kennedy
more 30 JUNE 2020
more 60 copies donated to
Broadmead Primary School
more Christopher Dighton appointed President
for the Club Year 2019-2020
back Some of the charities supported by our Presidents over the past few years.