Meeting of 'The Four Clubs' at Shepperton Monday, 12th February 2024

Mon, Feb 12th 2024 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Traditional yearly event when all of the four clubs in Spelthorne in Rotary meet up for a Social Evening.

 On Monday 12th February 2024 some Members of the ASHFORD CLUB attended the “Four Clubs Meeting” at Nauticalia, Ferry Coffee Shop, Ferry Lane Shepperton for an evening dinner.

This is a traditional yearly event when all of the four clubs in Spelthorne in Rotary meet up for a Social Evening.

The Clubs are Shepperton and Sunbury, Shepperton Aurora, Staines and Ashford. It is a great opportunity for everyone to “catch up” with all the activities being planned for the coming year to raise money for all our local charities. It also gives a chance for each President of the different clubs to talk of the achievements during his or her   Presidential year and of course of their forthcoming hopes for the incoming year. Each president is given a short slot and can address everyone who is attending.

Our President Anthea was able to inform the clubs that we had donated a “Bugzy” wheel chair to QEF in a joint project with the Staines club, raising £5000 and that we had now raised a further £5000 which we were going to donate for a further “Bugzy” wheelchair. These wheelchairs are fitted with every electronic gismo possible and allows a child with cerebral palsy or some other brain disability to integrate with other children of their own age and to attend nursery school etc with their peers. In effect it gives them some normality and also helps their parents to care for them and also encourages the child’s ongoing educational needs. Anthea was also able to remind them of our forthcoming CLASSIC CAR EVENT this coming September 1st at Clockhouse Lane Recreation Centre. We are hopeful that some members of the other clubs will be able to come and not only support us but also assist us as this event has grown year on year in size not only with the exhibited cars but with the other various stands, children’s amusements, food outlets and of course drinks and ice creams.

We were able to hear of the other clubs ongoing activities and also the help and support that they may need for some of their forth coming events.

It was a very enjoyable event and Shepperton and Sunbury should be congratulated for the way in which so many people from Spelthorne were accommodated within the building and served expediently with a two course supper, followed by coffee.

Our only concerns were that the venue was very close to the Thames which had swelled considerably with all the recent rains. However, all was well the cars were parked close to the venue and no one was washed away.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Remembering Kevin Butler

Kevin Butler was a prominent member of Ashford Rotary Club for over 30 years

Service above self award presentation

Two Rotarians, Anthea and Gordon recently attended St Michael’s Primary School in Ashford to make a special “Service Above Self Award” presentation to a young pupil of the school.

RYLA group shot

RYLA is a 5 day live in course that helps to build young people’s confidence, their ability to work in groups and also their ability to lead others in various activities.

Year 5 dictionary presentation

Supplying year 5 children in the primary Schools in Ashford and Stanwell as part of the dictionary4Life (D4L) Literacy project . These are delivered to pupils during the new Autumn term.

Rotary International projects

We continue to support many "International projects" as actively as we can


Last year Ashford Rotary Club joined with the Staines Rotary Club in raising money for a BUGZI wheel chair.

Remembrance Service wreath

The Remembrance Service around the Ashford War Memorial is attended by Members of Ashford Rotary with the President and the President Elect

Christmas float

Rotary Clubs are renowned for their Christmas Collections with Santa and Sleigh

Christmas Fair 2023

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