Business Meeting

Thu, Mar 21st 2024 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Club members discuss their plans for upcoming events

Although the meeting on this date was meant to be a Business meeting, only six members were present and it was agreed that this was too few for a meaningful, formal Business meeting.

Present: President Ron Smith and members S Bannerman, S Elliot, I Smith, M Trickett, and L Warburton.

Also present was visitor George Thorburn, who explained that he is in the process of selling his house in Carluke and is intending to move back to this area.

Although there was no Business meeting, several items of current interest were discussed and therefore it is felt by me that a record should be kept.

President Ron told the meeting of the activities of other Borders Clubs in the week beginning 25th March, which might be considered by them for a visit during our planned Scatter Week. It was observed that several were meeting fortnightly and had no meeting planned for that week while others commented they had no specific activity planned for their meeting. In those circumstances, no one expressed interest in visiting another Club. In light of the health and holiday situations of several members, it was agreed that there would be no Club meeting on the 28th March. The hotel has been notified of this.

It was noted that Jane had spoken of a Club gathering at her home and that the date of 4th April had been identified. In the absence of Jane, we had no final details for that evening and will not inform the hotel until these have been firmed up.

Langholm Rotary's Charter Dinner is to be in the Eskdale Hotel on 19th April at 7 for 7.30 pm. So far, Ron, Iain & Nancy, Tommy, Scott and Mairhi have said they will be going. Menu choices are still to come from Tommy. Anyone else interested in going? Deadline is 12th April.

Names are being sought by Borderlands group for stewards at Schools Day on 21st May and for Border Union Show on 26th and 27th July. , Tylers have already notified Mhairi Lafferty of their availability separately and I have passed on

Linden, Tony, Scott, Jim and Mairhi for Schools Day, and

Scott for 26th, and Jane for either 26th or 27th.

Anyone else?

The Club visit by 17 members and partners was discussed. It was said to have been an excellent night out. The choreography was particularly praised, while the plot confused many of us. It was agreed that the Visit to Hawick Opera should remain on the programme card for next year.

Melrose Rotary are having two Open Nights. One is on 4th April and therefore clashes with the visit to Jane's house, but members were interested in the other, on 23rd May when the Club has arranged for Finlay Calder OBE to talk on his involvement in Ukraine, entitled "An interesting journey to Ukraine"

''Both nights will be open to anyone who wishes to attend and we especially welcome fellow Rotarians from other clubs. We will organise a buffet, but as you will appreciate, we will need an indication of attendees about two weeks in advance to give the staff a fighting chance. The venue is the George and Abbotsford Hotel in Melrose''. It is thought that a party of Hawick members might attend. To be further discussed.

Lend with Care was spoken of by Linden. Latest update to Club account: Balance end January £74.28,

During February two loans of £30 each made, one loan repaid in full, repayments received £32.20
Balance end February £46 48. Members approved of Linden's suggestion of waiting until March repayments received (during next few days) before making decisions on further loans.

Ron updated members on the Plant a Tree in 23 project. Approval had been given by Hawick Common Good Committee the previous day, and after e-mail discussion with Anna Craigen of Borders Forest Trust it appears that we are looking for a work party of about 20 from Hawick High School / Escape Youth Group on either the morning or the afternoon of Wednesday 3rd April. Contact has been made with both groups, asking them to seek names. We have been asked to source minibus transport.

Mairhi told the meeting of the Area Final for Young Chef, to take place the following day (22nd) at Peebles High School. Her report on the event follows and photos are attached to this e-mail.

I attended the Area finals of Young Chef on Friday 22nd March along with the Presidents of Peebles and Jedburgh Rotary Clubs. We had 2 finalists - Aiden and Casey, and they were accompanied by Gillian Veitch a probationer in the Home Economics department. They both did well but weren't placed with Peebles taking 1st and joint 2nd places and Jedburgh joint 2nd.

For future reference, Ian Hourston the chief judge marked us as follows.

Aiden did Spaghetti Carbonara which although was tasty looked bland and unappetising on a white plate! Colour needed with addition of garnishes. His pudding of Apple and Rhubarb Crumble was exceptional and was restaurant level!

Casey cooked Sticky Chicken and Moulded Rice - Ian praised the chicken as exceptional but again could have done with some colour on the plate! Her cheesecake was very tasty but didn't set. He awarded her 3rd place.

The winners had all garnished their meals beautifully, Jedburgh even brought flowers! Our food was praised but didn't stand out!

We all enjoyed our afternoon and I thanked our hosts in Peebles.

Rotarians there all agreed that we would repeat an Area finals next year and encourage other clubs to participate!

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Some info on the entertaining activities we get up to!


This Committee focuses on international aid and projects


A summary of Hawick Rotary's work with the community during 2020, despite the problems of Coronavirus and Lockdowns

2019-20 President Linden Warburton and Treasurer Scott Elliot (centre) meet with Polysport representatives Libby Kennedy (right) and Greg Cuthbert (left)

Hawick Rotary Club has been able to obtain funding for the restoration of the village's Polysport facility after it was inundated by floodwater


Our Vocational & Community Committee concentrates on supporting local community groups and on youth activities, often in collaboration with Hawick High School and with Primary Schools in the town.


Enquiries regarding membership are always welcomed and should be e-mailed to
