Gus Neilson:

Thu, Feb 27th 2020 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Weekly meeting

Last week's speaker at Hawick Rotary Club, from Children 1st, was unable to attend because of illness, so, after their meal, members heard from Ron Sutherland of discussions between local representatives of Cycling Without Age and the Flood Protection Scheme team regarding the suitability for the local trishaws of the pathways which are being incorporated in that scheme. It is hoped that the journeys made by these trishaws can, as much as possible, be made off-road on paths for obvious safety reasons and of course those paths and bridges have to be both wide enough, and at a suitable gradient. Constructive discussion took place, hopefully in time for tweaks to be be made where there might have been difficulty.

Members then heard of discussions which have been taking place within the Rotary District 1020 re support for those affected by the recent floods in Hawick and in Newcastleton. As a result the Community Councils in those two areas have been asked by Hawick Rotary Club to administer sums of £1000 each which might be used for the relief of those most affected.

The local Club has gained two associate members in recent weeks in George Hogg and George Thorburn. Associate membership allows anyone interested in becoming a member of Rotary to attend and take part in activities without being there each week and without paying an annual subscription. Hopefully by the end of one year they will be encouraged then to become a full member. Anyone interested in this should contact Membership Convenor Mairhi Trickett at 01450 218519.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Some info on the entertaining activities we get up to!


This Committee focuses on international aid and projects


A summary of Hawick Rotary's work with the community during 2020, despite the problems of Coronavirus and Lockdowns

2019-20 President Linden Warburton and Treasurer Scott Elliot (centre) meet with Polysport representatives Libby Kennedy (right) and Greg Cuthbert (left)

Hawick Rotary Club has been able to obtain funding for the restoration of the village's Polysport facility after it was inundated by floodwater


Our Vocational & Community Committee concentrates on supporting local community groups and on youth activities, often in collaboration with Hawick High School and with Primary Schools in the town.


Enquiries regarding membership are always welcomed and should be e-mailed to
