The Chikuku Youth Centre Project - Zimbabwe

The Rotarians of Westminster West visited the Chikuku Youth Centre in Zimbabwe in November 2012. They had facilitated the supply of tools, machinery and two water tanks, and then visited to review the progress at the Centre.

The Chikuku Youth Centre Project, Zimbabwe, Rotary Year 2009 to 2013.

In the Rotary Year 2009-10, Rotarian Girish from the Rotary Club of Westminster West (RCWW) had met H.E. Amb Gabriel Machinga at a function and in the course of their conversation, they talked about the provision of tools and equipment for a Youth Centre in Zimbabwe. Club President Deborah Hullet, consented to a visit by H.E. Amb Machinga to visit the Club and present a talk about the Chikuku Youth Centre (CYC). H.E. Amb Gabriel Machinga visited the RCWW on 7th April 2010 to speak about the work being done at the CYC in Zimbabwe. Youth are trained in various vocational disciplines at the Centre and on completion, are awarded vocational certificates in their specialized vocation. These certificates are widely recognized in Zimbabwe and enable the Youth to get employment.

At the Rotary District Conference in October 2009, Rotarian Girish and President Deborah met with volunteers from the Charity - Tools for Self Reliance (TFSR). They were impressed by the work of this Southampton based Charity and invited them to make a presentation at one of the RCWW's lunch meetings. A TFSR volunteer, Ian Limdrick visited the Club and explained that the TFSR obtained used equipment and tools which were often discarded in the UK. Their volunteers then repaired and refurbished these for use in a number of countries in Africa. Rotarian Girish requested H.E. Amb Gabriel Machinga for a list of items required at the CYC and passed the list on to the TFSR.

Iam Limdrick and the CEO of TFSR, Jon Dunkley, responded positively to say that they were able to provide the items requested. A total of two hundred and seventy six (276) items ranging from sewing machines, sewing & knitting accessories, bench grinders, gardening implements, carpentry tools, building tools, welding tools and electrical tools were provided. These were packed into eleven crates and were ready to be shipped to the CYC. H.E. Amb Gabriel Machinga arranged for the crates to be transported to the CYC in Harare and he personally paid six hundred pounds(£600) for shipping these items. The RCWW wanted to refund to H.E. Amb Gabriel Machinga the transport costs of the crates to the CYC but both Mrs Esther Machinga and the Ambassador firmly insisted that they wanted to contribute to the CYC project by paying for the shipping charges.

The tools from TFSR were symbolically handed over to the CYC by H.E. Amb Gabriel who was also representing the RCWW. The video of the handing over speech is available on this link.

The Chairman of the CYC and the CARITAS co-ordinator accepted the tools on behalf of the CYC. A video of their acceptance speech is available on this link.

An International Evening was organized by Rotarian Girish and President Deborah at York Gate and this event raised eighteen hundred pounds which was allocated by the RCWW to the CYC. District Governor David Storrie gave his full support to the endeavours of the RCWW in support of the CYC.

Since receiving the initial funds from the RCWW, the enrolment of trainees at the CYC increased from 70 to 140 young persons. Moreover, some 65 graduates from the CYC were employed by South Africa in 2010 to assist with the construction of various facilities for the Football World Cup that was to be hosted there. This was a remarkable achievement by the CYC.

The Zimbabwean Ambassador to the UK most graciously accepted the invitation from the RCWW to join as a Rotarian. President Deborah handed over the Chain of office to President Girish in July 2010.

On 6th June 2011, at a Lunch Event organized at Zimbabwe House, Rotarian H.E. Amb Gabriel Machinga gave a presentation on how the equipment and tools arranged by the RCWW were used at the CYC. All present noted that the following departments at the CYC were the main beneficiaries of these tools : sewing, knitting, farming, joinery & carpentry, gas & arc welding, and building. President Girish handed over the cheque for eighteen hundred pounds (£1,800) to Rotarian H.E. Amb Gabriel Machinga to convey to the CYC.

On 29th June 2012 Rotarian H.E. Amb Gabriel Machinga and the Zimbabwe Embassy organized a thank you lunch for members and their spouses/partners of the RCWW as well as to report on how the funds raised by the RCWW had been spent. Jon Dunkley from the TFSR was invited to this event as well.

During the term of Club President Musa Dudhia in 2012-13, a request was received from the CYC for the provision of two Water Tanks. The Club decided that it would not only support the funding of the Water Tanks, but it would also visit the CYC and present the cheque directly to the Centre. This would give the Club's Rotarians an opportunity to visit the country and the CYC and take note of the progress in the Community.

On the 2nd of November 2012, the RCWW held an International Evening at the historic Zimbabwe House. A variety of sumptuous indigenous food was prepared by the staff of Zimbabwe House and Rotarians. Over a hundred supporters and well wishers attended. The District Governor (DG) Eve Conway Ghazi and her husband Rotarian Robert Ghazi attended to give their full fledged support to this event. Past District Governor Trevor Johnson was also present. The Past President of the St Marylebone Club, Margaret Pollock also brought along a strong contingent from her Club. They were all welcomed and given a short talk about the CYC by H.E. Amb Gabriel Machinga.

A total of five thousand pounds(£5,000) was raised and the RCWW and the team at Zimbabwe House were extremely overwhelmed by the support they received.

The RCWW worked closely with the Tourist Promotion Board of Zimbabwe (TPB) to plan an itinerary to visit the country. In this regard Ms Felicia Munjaidi from the (TPB) deserves special mention for her efforts in securing an excellent touring package for the RCWW delegation.

The Zimbabwean Itinerary

19 Nov 2012    Depart London

20 Nov             Arrive Harare

21 Nov             Dept Harare for Eastern Highlands

22 Nov             Eastern Highlands/Great Zimbabwe  - Visit To Chikuku Youth Centre

23 Nov             Great Zimbabwe/Gweru/Bulawayo

24 Nov             Bulawayo

25 Nov             Bulawayo/Hwange

26 Nov             Hwange/Victoria Falls

27 Nov             Victoria Falls/Kariba

28 Nov             Kariba/Harare

29 Nov             Harare

30 Nov             Harare/London

The RCWW delegation was very warmly received in Harare by the TPB. When they arrived at the CYC in the Eastern Highlands, the entire community came to welcome them. The delegation met the CYC's administrators, teachers and students. They toured the workshops and were shown the designs and finished products that the trainees had made.

An assembly was held under the shade of some mango trees where the formal part of the visit took place. Welcome speeches were made by the Senior CYC administrator. H.E. Amb Gabriel Machinga spoke of the good work he had seen at the CYC and the progress it has made. President Musa Dudhia thanked all present for their great warmth, friendship and hospitality. He then presented the cheque to the CYC for their Water Tanks. Two plaques resembling foundation stones to commemorate the Water Tanks were presented to President Musa and Past President Dennis Tapper. These were laid to mark the gift of the Tanks by the RCWW.

Rotarians were then invited to present Vocational Certificates to all those students who had recently completed their vocational courses. The CYC graduates came with their families to receive the awards. The presentation ceremony ended with the exchange of gifts between the delegations from the RCWW and the CYC. All Rotarians from the RCWW were overwhelmed by the quality of the handicraft gifts that were made for them.

The assembly was entertained by local dancers who danced with traditional bells and shells adorning their legs and feet. Everyone then retreated indoors to partake in a banquet laid out by the CYC. The fellowship experienced by all would last a life time for many, both within the East Highlands community as well as the Rotary delegation.

The Rotary delegation departed the CYC with a tinge of sadness as well as with a sense of pride in having been able to assist a community to enhance its training facilities for its Youth. The delegation then continued with its planned tour of Zimbabwe before returning back to London.

On 15th March 2013, Rotarian H.E. Amb Gabriel Machinga and Mrs Esther Machinga invited fellow Rotarians and their spouses to a Reception at Zimbabwe House to review the November 2012 visit to Zimbabwe and the CYC. District Governor Eve Conway Ghazi and St Marylebone Rotary Club's Past President Margaret Pollock were also invited.

President Musa thanked Rotarian H.E. Amb Machinga and Mrs Esther Machinga for hosting the reception. Special mention was also made to DG Eve Conway Ghazi and Rotarian Robert Ghazi. President Musa told them - "Both you and Robert added a touch of class to our effort.  So many non-Rotarians came up to me to say how lucky we were to have you as our DG.  I wish you continued success in your efforts to inspire Clubs in our District in their efforts to make a difference to the lives of the underprivileged".

In November 2013, the East Highlands Rotary Club in Zimbabwe honored Rotarian President-elect H.E. Amb Gabriel Machinga by presenting him the Paul Harris Fellow (PHF) award, in recognition of his services to Rotary. Members of the RCWW joined in saluting their President-elect on achieving this award.

The photographs in the following pages provide a pictorial narrative of the events held to raise the awareness of the work done at the CYC when the RCWW delegation visited the CYC. It starts with the fund raising events held at the Zimbabwe House in London.

The sequence of the photographs shown above are as follows:

1). Events held at Zimbabwe House in London to promote the awareness of the CYC and to raise funds.

2). Welcome to Chikuku Youth Centre

3). Meet the Elders of the East Highlands Community & the Administrators of the Centre

4). Visit to the Sewing Dept

5). Visit to the Workshops - From Designs on the Boards to Products

6). Cultivation at the Farm

7). Welcome Assembly by the Community

8). Graduation Ceremony for Vocational Trainees - Graduates with their Certificates

9). Presentation of Cheque for the Water Tanks and Laying of Commemorative Plaques

10) The Celebratory Dances - good picture of a certain Rotarian in action.

11). Rotarians Receiving Gifts from their East Highlands Hosts.

12). Lunch & fellowship.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Presidential Handover - 26 June 2024

Outgoing President Nishma Acharya hands over to incoming President David Ng

President Gordon hands over a cheque from Melissa to Nishma.

At the RI Presidential Peace Conference Dinner on 9 February 2024, President Gordon Macinally inducted a new member - Rhea Ramanand, handed over a cheue for 6,400 euros and presented a Positive peace award to PP Tarja Inovaara.

Sunil Acharya and his Tablas - the beat to get into the mood

This Diwali lunch also served as a fund raiser for the St Elizabeth Lureko Girls Secondary School in Mumias, Kenya.

Rotarians and Interactors joined the Head Teacher, Mayor & Mayoress for High Tea in Gatton Park

The club joined RC reigate and RAAS Interactors for High Tea on 5 Oct 2023.

Veronica Pickering being inducted as a Honorary Member of Westminster West

This was an annual gathering of the club with district officers but we were suprised by the High Sheriff of Nottinghamshire

IPP Gina and President Nishma - June 2023

Immendiate Past President Gina Langton handed over the chain of office to Preisdent Nishma Acharya on 28 June 2023

President of the Rotary Club of Westminster West - H.E. Amb Julius Peter Moto

The Club was honoured to welcome DG Francis at its meeting on 1st July 2020. This was the first official visit by the DG to a club in the District. The incoming President H.E. Amb Julius Moto was handed the chain of office by outgoing President Anna.

President Mark Kelly - inducted 7th July 2021

The Club is holding a hybrid meeting - where six members are meeting in a socially distanced manner and the rest are joining the meeting via zoom.

Rotarians and Guests who attended the Christmas Lunch

The club held its annual Christmas Lunch in the Jubilee Room of the Bbar. President Mark Kelly presided.

United Nations & Commonwealth London Rotarian Peace Envoy Logo

This is a District 1130 Peace Committee initiative led by members of the Rotary Club of Westminster West who are past or present officials of the UN and the Commonwealth. Members from other Clubs were inducted after a 2 day Peace Building Workshop.

President Gina Langton

President Gina Langton was inaugurated as Club President. She took over from Mark Kelly.

Project Sea Grass

Plant Seagrass in the UK Coastal Waters

Launch of the Rotary Peace Square in Kyiv -n the Spring of 2021.

A Rotary Peace Square was established in Kyiv to Promote Peace.


February is Rotary's Peace & Conflict Prevention Month. Moreover 23 Feb is Rotary's 117th Birthday. The Queen completed 70 years of service on 6th Feb 2022. This Peace Seminar Commemorates all three milestones.


This project entails the provision of equipment and materials to a Vocational School in Uganda to train ex-Child Soldiers and School Dropouts.

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park

London Rotarians participated in a global, 24-hour continuous, live broadcast of music, art and remembrance on 6th August, 2020, to mark the 75thAnniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.

Commonwealth Rotarian Peace Envoys

Join Rotary in the spirit of Diplomacy, Diversity, Inclusivity, Opportunity, Community, Sustainability, Tenacity and Credibility.

Rotary & The Commonwealth Drumming for Peace

The Rotary Club of Westminster West collaborated with The Commonwealth Resounds and The Purcell School of Music to arrange a programme of Drumming Performances during the week in which Commonwealth Heads of Government met in London.

We Wish Rotarians and Friends A Very Merry Christmas

The Club holds its annual Christmas Lunch in December and invites all friends of the Club to attend as well.

Rotarians and Friends at the Annual Christmas Lunch - 4 Dec 2019

The Club held its annual Christmas Lunch on 4th Dec 2019.

District Governor Tony Sharma makes his inaugural visit to the Club.

DG Tony Sharma and his wife Harjinder visited RC Westminster West on 3rd July 2019.

President Juvenal Shiundu meets with Mrs Esther Mudy who is the President of the Rotary Club of Kakamega in Kenya.

This page lists some of the visits by members of the Rotary Club of Westminster West to other Rotary Clubs around the World.

The Ladies of Westminster West

On 14th March 2018, the Club held a Social Evening comprising Members, their Spouses or Partners, Friends and two New Recruits.

President Juvenal with members and friends of RC Westminster West on the Terrace of the IMO

Westminster West had a special dinner for its members on 28 June 2019 at the International Maritime Organisation - which is the only UN Agency in the UK. The Drinks Reception & Dinner was hosted by President Juvenal Shiundu and his wife Mrs Rose Shiundu.

Rotary Meeting Held on 17th July 2019

This page lists the various club meetings and visitors to the club

President Juvenal Shiundu Receives the District Governor's Flag

DG Mike Wren paid the traditional annual visit to the Club and was accompanied by his wife Teresa.

Girish Raval (centre) presents the Encyclopedia to Rev Fr Patrick (left). President Juvenal (right) officiated.

Rev Fr Patrick Murunga is a Catholic Priest from Kakagema County in Kenya. He has come as a temp priest to a church in the UK. He visited the Club to collect a gift of Encyclopedias for the St Elizabeth Lureko Girls Secondary School in Kakagema County.

Induction of Rotarian Mrs Anna Croghan

Rotarian Mrs Anna Croghan was inducted on 1st November 2017 at the Meeting of the Club which was held at Browns in Cardinal Place, Victoria.

Outgoing Club President Angela Campbell inducting Incoming President Dr Josephine Ojiambo for the Rotary Year 2017-18.

Incoming President Dr Josephine Ojiambo took over as President of the Rotary Club of Westminster West from Outgoing President Angela Campbell on 21 June 2017.

This is the Charter of the Rotary Club of Westminster West which was Granted on 2nd March 1945.

The Club's 70th Anniversary fell on 2nd March 2015. The Club held a Black Tie Gala Dinner on this day to Celebrate this event.

The Rotarians of Westminster West Welcome You To Their Club.

The Club has raised funds and undertaken several large and small projects both within the UK and in the International Arena. The Projects documented on this website are listed below. Go to the 'What We Do' tab to read about these Projects.

The Banner of the Rotary Club of Westminster West

Come and meet us and get to know our Club.


The Club held an International Evening and raised funds towards the total required for the provision of a Library to the Lokusero Secondary School in the Laikipia District in Kenya.

Ms Felicia Munjadi was presented the Rotary Recognition Award as an acknowledgement of her Special Services to Rotary.

Westminster West Supports Local Community Projects and Recognises Individuals Who Assist the Club In Its Activities.

The dance group Semillas de Bolivia performed at our International Night.

Over the years, the Club has raised funds in support of several International Projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Rotarians and Guests at the Past Presidents Day Lunch on 14th May 2014

The Club held its Annual Past Presidents Day Luncheon on 14th May 2014. Past President Clive Knowles chaired this Meeting. Other Senior Rotarians who attended included PP Arvind Barve, PP James Allie, PP Robert Crane, PP Elwin Cummings Palmer & AG Francis

IPP Musa inducts Dr Aruna Mannie

The Club inducted Dr Aruna Mannie as a Rotarian on 19th October 2016.

Salutations, Rotary Grace and a silent mark of respect to the late President Nelson Mandela.

The Secrets are out ; 1). how to park a Rolls Royce in Central London for a £25 month; 2). Who lies behind a Happy Woman in Iceland and who is responsible for a Successful Man in England; 3). Which Club had an encounter with Alcoholics Anonymous;

The Rotary Life Boat

The Launch of the Lifeboat Project - a fascinating insight into the magnificent achievement of the Rotary Club of Westminster West which raised funds for the Lifeboat named "ROTARY SERVICE" - RNLI Official Number (ON) 1031 and Operational Number 50-001.

Rotarian H.E. Ambassador Gabriel Machinga and Rotarians of Westminster West co-hosted a Fund Raising Evening at Zimbabwe House on The Strand in London.

Funds were raised to Support the Provision of a Library to the Chirovakamwe Primary School in Mutare, Zimbabwe and Information Technology to the St. Elizabeth Lureko Girls' Secondary School in Mumias, Kakagema County, Kenya.

The School is located in Mumias, Kakamega County, Western Kenya (see Arrow on Map)

Funds were raised for the provision of Information Technology(IT) to the School. The IT systems were purchased and shipped to Mombasa and then onto Mumias. The aim is to improve the IT Literacy of as many Pupils as possible.

Westminster West Rotarians visited the Centre in Zimbabwe

The Rotarians of Westminster West visited the Chikuku Youth Centre in Zimbabwe in November 2012. They had facilitated the supply of tools, machinery and two water tanks, and then visited to review the progress at the Centre.

Handover of the Water Tanks at a ceremony on 25th May 2013.

These three Projects provide sustainable sources of clean water and sanitation for three communities with large numbers of children in Entebbe, Uganda. Project Duration Jan 2012- Nov 2013.

Secondary School Students in their smart uniforms at the Starehe Girls' Centre in Nairobi Kenya

In 2012, the Rotary Club of Westminster West Sponsored a Girl Student for the Entire Duration of Her Four Year Secondary Education at the Starehe Girls' Centre in Nairboi, Kenya. She Completed her Secondary Education in December 2015.

Desks and Chairs provided for School Children

Provision of essential items of furniture, laboratory equipment, books and uniforms to some rural schools and a van to transport physically challenged children to school in the Chickjajur Area of Karnataka in India. The Project was completed in March 2007

Leaflet to promote the fund raising for this Project.

Project to support the vulnerable children of Puno in Peru.

Bolivian Dance Troupe called Semillas de Bolivia entertained the Rotarians and their Guests.

Project to provide sewing machines and sewing accessories to the local branch of the Bolivian Institute for the Blind to enable the Institute to enhance its self help programmes for those who are blind or partially sighted.


Funds were raised for the Widows and Orphans of Genocide in Rwanda and sent to AVEGA which is a Charity in Kigali, Rwanda.

This is now an eco-centric Park providing green cover and recreational facilities to the populations living in the area through which the river flows.

Convert a five kilometre long stretch of the Mutha River Bank from a dump yard to a friendly, flood resistant Park, for the benefit of society as well as to enhance the awareness of the delicate ecology of the river and human settlements.

Map showing the location of Amman in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

A joint project between the Rotary Club of Amman and the Rotary Club of Westminster West to provide essential medical equipment to the National Tuberculosis Center in Amman, Jordan.

Map showing the location of Bukoba in Northern Tanzania, on the Western shore of Lake Victoria, close to the border with Uganda.

Two Class Rooms were needed for the school in Bukoba. Fund raising events were held in 1998 and 2000. These events raised funds to build the class rooms for the school.


The Rotary Club of Westminster West and the Westminster Inner Wheel Club adopted this project as one of its main projects for which it contributed financial support over a period beginning 1991 to 1995.

Map showing the town of Bonthe in Sherbro Island, Sierra Leone.

A British VSO Volunteer Nurse was sponsored to work as a Nurse/Mid-wife at a Clinic in Bonthe in Sierra Leone.
