Rotarye-Club of London Centenary

Attendance Makeups


This Sunday December 11th the Rotary eClub of London Centenary joins eleven
sister eClubs in offering an online make-up to visiting Rotarians.

No matter where you are or the time of day or night as long as you can
connect to the internet you can enjoy and contribute to Rotary Fellowship.
The eClub website has an active Forum where Rotarians from around the world
can share their club project or just chat about the weather.

Your participation and a small donation to an eClub Project will secure you
an attendance certificate. You and your Club will be honoured for all to see
in our online visitor's book. You can even send us an image of your Club
Banner which we will proudly display in our Club Gallery.

President Stella Russell said:
"We thought hard and long about how we should do Make Up. We didn't want it
to appear as a soft option but to have all the elements of any visit to
another Club. The chance for the visitor to enjoy new company and for others
to know more about another the visitor's club. The eClub concept allows us
to do this on a global scale. I hope Rotarians from far and wide will see
eClub make-ups as an opportunity to extend their service in an enjoyable


Notice to Rotary Editors

The eClub of London Centenary was chartered in Centennial Year and is part
of Rotary International's Pilot eClub Project. A total of 15 eClubs are now
active (and listed on the eClub site). The RI requirement for Make-Up is for
"at least 30 minutes interactivity on an eClub site". It is the choice of
every Rotary Club to accept, or not, an eClub Make-Up. The eClub would
appreciate an eMakeUp link from Rotary Club websites. Logos and further
information will be available from from Sunday.

President Stella Russell 020 8807 2316
Webmaster Stuart Grove   020 8778 6300

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